games (or gmaes according to Bleh :P ) you would LOVE to see on the Wii

We need:
a new(2D) castlevania.
a new Mario game like Mario 64
a new Resident Evil like RE4
If they haven these games, I will be as happy as a fat kid at an all you can eat buffet.
Lord_Gold_Throneroom said:
We need:
a new(2D) castlevania.
a new Mario game like Mario 64
a new Resident Evil like RE4
If they haven these games, I will be as happy as a fat kid at an all you can eat buffet.
Why not a 3D Castlevania game? Yeah I know the N64 Castlevania games were weak, but I beleive Konami may be able to do better this time with the Wii-mote (Wii-mote as a wip:lol: ).Um... Mario Galaxy:scared: .

Oh, a game nobody had mentioned is Earthbound. The SNES version is regarded as a classic (can't wait to download it for the VC) so if a Wii version is made then we could have a very good RPG on our hands.
Diomedes said:
i would like a nintendo style KH as mentioned before, that would be cool:)
But donald will be mario, and goofy would be yoshi, and sora?
hm, maybe link. (that means that kairi would be zelda and riku would be gannodorf, cause he turns evil)

*EDIT it would be cool if organisation 13 were pikmin and the heartless were boos!!

WOw! Thats Pretty Clever... No Organization 13 Were Bowser Petey Pirahnah, Koopa Kid, Gooma, Koopa, Monty Mole, etc... (various Enemies)
well I would like to have a starwars game, just to control the lightsaber with the wiimote :D
and a starcraft game, something in the lines of Starcraft Ghost
oh, and Spore and Assasins creed, maybe a deus ex 3 :p
a Megaman game

Possibly a Warcraft RPG and / or Starcraft RPG ( One being fantasy one being Sci-fi ;o )

and Another Megaman game :p
Hah...guess I'm a dead topic reviver...

I would like to see the SNES game, EarthBound, brought to life by the Wii! I think it would be awesome. So many things that the Wii can do now could be incorporated into an EarthBound game. Like Ness's bat and yo-yo or Paula's frying Jeff's laser guns and bottle rockets...Poo...? I forgot his special weapons, lol.