New to Halo

you are new to forums arnt you? i have yet to see a gaming forum that allows you to only talk about 1 console and nothing else. every PS3 forum ive been to has a 360 and wii section. every xbox forum i have been to has a wii and PS3 section and every wiiforum ive been to has a 360 and PS3 section. besides why come into the 360 section just to whine about people talking about something other than the Wii?
=/ I just might trade in my Nintendo Wii and for a Xbox360 Halo 3 Edition and Halo 3 Legendary Edition Game

But yeah to get the full story you have to play Halo 1 & 2, but still Halo 3 is fun fun fun
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I'm in the same boat as you Guinness only I haven't had my 360 YET..

My step-father bought the Halo 1 + 2 games because he's got an x-box and he's completed them, I've played them breifly (mostly on mutli-player) but I never sat down and played through them all start to finish. So before I get around to playing the third one I was planning to sit down and work my way through the first two so I know the story line etc for the last one.

There's also loads of other games I'm planning to play too so I thought I'd play a load of old ones that's been out for a while before starting the Halo Trilogy, then by the time I get around to playing Halo 3 I can pick it up for a cheaper price (hopefully).

I say that now but I bet the day I buy the 360 I'll end up buying Halo 3 too lol =/

Well hope this helps =]
Pikachu256 said:
=/ I just might trade in my Nintendo Wii and for a Xbox360 Halo 3 Edition and Halo 3 Legendary Edition Game

Does anyone have the Legendary Edition and have a scratched disk? I saw a news report this morning saying that the packing method had left a lot of disks scratched but MS says that you can send off your scratched disk for replacement in December.

Is this really a widespread problem? Will people really have to wait 3 months before they can play Halo 3 if they buy the Legendary Edition?
its the limited edition, not legendary. when i got mine i heard a disc rattle around but luckily it was the bonus disc, not the game disc. aslo the free replacement offer is available UNTILL the end of december. you can order your replacement now. you dont have to wait
Thats good news, it sounded very worrying on the tv but it was very short report.

Will they withdraw the Limited Edition or just sell and replace them as needed?
I'm still trying to figure out how to connect to xbox live. Hopefully I figure it out sometime today. I really want to try playing online however the campaign is quite fun.
get on MSN and i will help yea out some more. im not tired anymore so maybe i can help better than i did last night
y is it so hard to get some people to play with on live :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: