Official Guitar Hero Friend Code Thread

You havn't really Pwned anything
Because your playing on the right server for your Wii

If you was on a USA servers with a Europe Wii, That'd be something :p
Wii_Smurf said:
You havn't really Pwned anything
Because your playing on the right server for your Wii

If you was on a USA servers with a Europe Wii, That'd be something :p
Details ,details I still pwned the system.
coop mode would be fun. I have not problem with that. I haven't even mastered the easy level yet. I've just finished beating slash on easy, but it took me 2 tries. I'm working my way through the career before I move to medium. My kids mostly play the same few songs over and over, one of them up to expert! :crazy:

As of this morning, only GAMEJUNKIE and INFERNO10 show up on my friends list. I have a long list of pending friends, but your name isn't there yet newbish. I see your code in the pending list. I thought it would have been quicker than this. Can you check to me sure you entered my friend code right? I also have you pending, LoveWii. Did you add me as a friend?

How do we communicate when we are playing online?
No communication has been annouced yet for online
And as for your Career status.
Don't move onto Medium until you have 5 starred all of Easy. It helps alot so you don't have to backtrack
you can play co-op songs with a friend online, but there's no way to go through an online co-op career (just yet anyway). sucks...
AoWFraggit said:
you can play co-op songs with a friend online, but there's no way to go through an online co-op career (just yet anyway). sucks...
Co-op online career, would be awesome.
Too unbelievably sweet to be made.

MY internet is back up!
Adding everyone who added me now.
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Wii_Smurf said:
No communication has been annouced yet for online
And as for your Career status.
Don't move onto Medium until you have 5 starred all of Easy. It helps alot so you don't have to backtrack

Thanks for the hint. 5 stars? Ugh. Guess I better go back to the beginning. I think most of my songs are 3 and 4 star... I know I have 1 5 star, maybe 2, certainly not more. :(

So, when you play online, how do you communicate with your online partner/opponent to know what you're going to do?
Black Jack said:
Thanks for the hint. 5 stars? Ugh. Guess I better go back to the beginning. I think most of my songs are 3 and 4 star... I know I have 1 5 star, maybe 2, certainly not more. :(

So, when you play online, how do you communicate with your online partner/opponent to know what you're going to do?
Lol you can't kind of sucks.
Although you can communciate from your wii's with your wii code and talk to each other and setup a time or something.
I see newbish as a friend now. Cool. Will have to figure out a time we can play online.

I've gone through and finished section 1. Take it Easy on Easy level, getting 5 stars for evey song.

Why am I doing this?