Why do these shots of METAL GEAR look like a Wii game?

T3kNi9e said:
Yea trees in Zelda are like inanimate objects. Nothing can be done to it. You can even put cut marks into them.

But when a object is somewhat "animate" then you can actually do something to it.

But since im not a game designer I can't really explain it because im not 100% sure about how it works, I just know some basic things from what I read.

Shall we talk about wire framing and mapping?

This sort of thing is really complicated so don't expect some awe inspiring game in this front as the wiis little processor just wouldn't take well to it. I say little but that doesn't mean we won't get jaw dropping games like MP3, SMG and Cruis'n:lol:
WiitnessID said:
Also what if you got a metal gear that pushed the Wii's graphics rather than try and look like a PS3 game? Would you guys even want that? After no more hero's I'm looking forward to more freakiness! metal gear looked just fine on the GC. Just wondering because it would be a shame to see metal gear end up like UT3...LOL
I play the MGS series for two reasons, amazing game-play and storyline/ plots. Graphics is always a bonus on the MGS series, besides: those graphics look better than MGS:3 so it doesn't much matter now does it? :p

I'm psyched.
WiitnessID said:
Also what if you got a metal gear that pushed the Wii's graphics rather than try and look like a PS3 game? Would you guys even want that? After no more hero's I'm looking forward to more freakiness! metal gear looked just fine on the GC. Just wondering because it would be a shame to see metal gear end up like UT3...LOL

What do you mean end up like UT3?
^^UT3 was an excellent game with great visuals so how'd ending up like it be bad? Heck, I'd want UT3s.
Yea, the only thing that was bad (according to what ive read/heard) was that it had a crappy single player campaign. But who buys Unreal Tournament for the campaign?
T3kNi9e said:
Yea, the only thing that was bad (according to what ive read/heard) was that it had a crappy single player campaign. But who buys Unreal Tournament for the campaign?

UT has a campaign now?

From my experience it has 'practise mode' and 'another practise mode with a different name which shall not be spoken here:shifty:':lol:

Yeah, the new game is GOW esque in design terms and has the quality UT feel to it. I heard the PS3 version can be laggy but on the whole generally smooth.
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UT3 sold like crap hopefully people will be buying metal gear but it is on the weird side. FPS fans may pass it up. It's not exactly COD4 or an online powerhouse. I don't know but those shots don't look all that good to me. Hardly any detail in the textures and what needs to be turned down? The cloth can be baked are don't like a type of rag doll bone structure. Yes fatal frame may have some tricks but no character in the metal gear game look super good from a texture and normal map perspective. Gears set the bar and if you've actually played UT3 then you know that these graphics are not even touching UT3 levels. I guess the problem is if you bought a PS3 would you pay for any thing less than gears of ware visuals or kill zone visuals? Well we will see but these graphics look do able on the Wii actually. If you judge these pics on their own then you have to admit they are not holding up to what the PS3 is suppose to do. Is this the PS2 engine with some extra bells? Really nothing is super different other than the real time render.

Many of those blurs are apparent for a reason. Focals.

The Wii couldn't run anywhere near that. The processor just couldn't handle the technology going into it. Graphics, physics and much more would have to go and then it wouldn't even be worth it.

I hope so but who blurs a background that close to the camera?

vashivihan "are u kidding? they look nothing like a wii game." Nope I'm not kidding those shots are not that impressive. Even drake fortune kills those shots! I mean really it's like it has some more polys but the textures are really lacking. I under stand a lot of you guys don't do lots of 3d modeling or normal mapping. If I did those textures I would not be happy with them... Yet this game is not finished. So I guess it's ok. I understand lots of you say you like it because of the game play thats cool but I'm wondering what the graphic whores think because this game will be fighting visually with kill zone and I have a shot of that on my desk top and it's night and day.

And No T3kNi9e I'm not going to get a PS3 for this game I'm sure what I want to see will be posted in a profession forum about 3d art any way. I had high expectation for what kojima was going to do with this one but this maybe an artist response on his part too so who knows. It's weird but I'm a fan of this guy yet I don't like playing his metal gear games. I have all of them and just can't force my self to finish them. FPS spoiled me I guess?
I would buy a game if its not as good as Gears/Killzone graphics. Graphics aren't everything.

The screenshots do look pretty ugly, but I think its just the quality of those pics. Those are the worst screenshots of the game that ive seen.

I actually never played a Metal Gear game yet, but I still want to get it.