Do you think when


Feb 6, 2007
In Scotland
Wii Online Code
Do you think when the wii dies i0n or someone will make a new site and we will all transfer to that??

I know im planning in advance but lets face it in 5-10 years when the new 1 comes out we wont stay on a site called wiichat
Well in 5-10 years time I thing most of our lives will be different by then..

I know in 5 years time I'd have finished uni if I go and I'll have my own house etc etc..

But nah, I don't think we'll all 'transfer' forums
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Oh good point i forgot
Ill be hopefully running my own business or working for nintendo like i always wanted to
yah in about 5-10 years i'll making history like i

i'll be out of collage already have a house and family i hope
I won't be going on forums in 5-10 years time.. maybe not even in a years time..
I only come on WiiChat now to pass the time instead of dossing around in front of the TV when I'm not out with friends or busy with school work.
Wiired said:
I won't be going on forums in 5-10 years time.. maybe not even in a years time..
I only come on WiiChat now to pass the time instead of dossing around in front of the TV when I'm not out with friends or busy with school work.

Same here :)
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not same here
i come on here while practing/studying

Do you know how much i have to study now
When the wii dies it will become retro so there for more people like me will come along
Darkprinny said:
When the wii dies it will become retro so there for more people like me will come along

Lol, pretty weird to think that one day it will be old and 'retro'
surfinrach90 said:
Lol, pretty weird to think that one day it will be old and 'retro'

Playin Dreamcast the other day
Its nearly ten years old

Damnit im geting old
No Prinny, Your not getting old, Your game addiction is getting old. They are great consoles though

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