Is the wii worth buying ????? HELP!!!

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Originally Posted by teamhurst
not really the games are weak and are really for the kiddies some of its kind of cool ,you can download old school games, that and its cheap. but i still play my 360 and ps3 more. my wife plays the wii more than me.

This quote says it all. Personally you NEED to have a 360 or PS3 along with a Wii. Wii is cheap enough to buy and has a few good games that you will like. Being able to get the classic games from Nintendo is a great plus.

I agree with those 2 statement.I tend to play my wii for family or more casual gaming now, I used my 360 much more....

The only great games on wii IMHO are MP3,RE4 wii (a port GC btw) and Zelda(a port GC btw). Why would i play a shooter like CoD3 or MoH on my wii when i can have a better experience on my 360.

I bought a 360 after 1 year of ownership of a wii.Why...bcs I was tired of waiting for good games!!!!!

i have my 360 for 2 month I already bought Halo3,GoWars,NHL08,Bioshock,COD4 and lost Planet. Oh sorry i bought RE:UC bcs i'm huge RE fan.

So you've been warn...i hope you make the best decision. Meaning that you will enjoy the time you have with your gaming system.
Why do people make these posts? Do you really not know what games you like? If you have to ask others if you'll like it, and on top of that people who don't know you, you may as well not buy a Wii.
To anwser your question I have only two words besides these...

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