Wii Startup Disc confusion

I have a different idea.

I think that the Wii will not always come with Wii Sports, and that it may only be available in that form for a few months. It tells you on the front that it comes with Wii Sports, which I guess is just a sticker - why would they be so vague and say "startup disk" if they'd already referred to it as "Wii Sports"?

The console was put into production long before E3, or before much of the system had been finalized. Therefore, I would propose that the disk would contain some kind of software total installer, or an update, and some configuration software, for example for the sensor bar and the WiFi options.

Hmm I'm going to go with the reset disc idea to roll back the Wii to factory settings, along with a set up disc or perhaps installation of VC/internet(opera etc) software and a firmware update. I don't think that it's Wii sports, I mean that's actually a planned game correct? Surely then it'll come as a single game disc with it's own box packaged with the console and not a disc bundles with other **** on it?

I'll feel cheated if it is Wii Sports + videos + random stuff + firmware update all on one disc sans box.

Oh and does anyone else have any ideas how you'll get future firmware updates without a net connection? Think games stores will get them?
It has to be Wii Sports. Wii Sports comes in the package and since the Wii Startup Disc is the only disc in the package it has to be that....


The Wii Sports disc might be given to you outside of the package box. Which would mean that the Wii Startup Disc is not Wii Sports.

I think its somekind of teaching disk. I think it will show you the basics of wii-moting. I think itll be kind of like a totorial.
wouldnt it be cool if one of nintendos heads(miamoto,reggie or Iwata) taught you how to play a wii?????
Here a picture of the Wii requesting the disc so it basically sets up the Wii at the start kinda like the cd that comes with ipods