goldeneye clan

  1. scout00721

    [[DE] Dead Eye 007 clan is now recruiting all lvls

    my name is scout in wiichat and it is scope in GE. im currentley a level 40. my highest streak is 21 with silenced pavolov when i was a level 21. my GE fc:4055-1045-3914 my wii console fc is in the 'about me' section of my wiichat profile. our website has all the rules/regulations and has a...
  2. Ikon_ISK

    Akatsuki Goldeneye 007 Clan

    This is the Akatsuki~Clan!! Imma make this short, the Akatsuki are a bunch of ninjas(players) that have banded together to attempt to change the world ! The requirements of being in this group are: Levels: 25+ (would be nice having players around the same level as me [Lvl 33] but oh well) KDR...