
  1. J

    Nintendo 3DS e-Shop and browser delayed

    why Nintendo sed it will be on the 24 of this month now i have to wate for the 7th of June nice :frown5: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-05-12-nintendo-3ds-e-shop-and-browser-delayed
  2. S

    Wii Hardware update

    My system console, attached to the internet, has been updating for the past 3 days.... is this normal???
  3. A

    Question about Sims 3

    So im still waiting on sims 3 for the wii... but i was wondering if because of the amount of complaints they have got due to the glitches and things will they be updating it? and if they would update it would they update it so that you can have babies and toddlers unlike you can now? Thanks...