Katamari Confirmed for Wii

I think I'll believe when it's officially confirmed by namcobandai, but until then.

In an interview with Gamasutra, Takahashi(Katamari's creator) said: "I'm not really interested in [the Wii]. I don't think a controller should have that much influence on the enjoyment of games.

"I see what [Nintendo is] trying to do, but they're putting such emphasis on the controller: 'Woah, this controller lets you do this!', and I'm thinking - are you messing with us? So, there's nothing I really want to do with it right now."
Yes! The Katamari games are a blast. The original on the PS2 was a budget import which was very tough to find. I was lucky enough to snag a copy from GameStop shortly after the US release.

The premise of the game is to roll around a "Katamari", a little ball that looks like an Everlasting Gobstopper from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

On the PS2 you used the dual control sticks to roll the Katamari, no buttons needed to be pressed. Your little Katamari began by rolling up thumb tacks, paper clips and the likes, and like a snowball, as it grew bigger, you could pick up batteries, LEGO pieces, and rats. Eventually you began picking up plates, bushes, mailboxes, cars, houses, and on the final stage, clouds, hurricanes and lightning storms.

When your Katamari was big enough, it would be cast into the night sky to replace the stars your drunken father had destroyed. All of this is set to a mix of crazy Japanese music and has a really neat artstyle.

If you haven't played a Katamari game, you're going to be in for a real treat!
So how do you lose cuz without that I mean is it like a maze or something
WiiZero said:
So how do you lose cuz without that I mean is it like a maze or something

Normally you are given a certain size Katamari to create within a time limit. Also, you can't pick up larger pieces when your Katamari is small, and you'll actually lose a bit of size from slamming into large objects.

It's not the most difficult game ever created, but it's original and a load of fun.
*signs the song*

It's funny when you started to get buildings from the ol games. You'd sorta limp with the big sky scrapers.