n00b here


Wii Owner
Feb 1, 2007
Wii Online Code
hey ... want to test out the wii messaging thing.. can someone send me a msg? friend code = 3364 4335 5323 9794... thankS! also.. does anyone know when the first FPS online game is coming out for the wii??

thanks, mike
Try searching the forum.

Hope your going to be posting around here, and not just asking for someone to add you then leave...
hey welcome to the forum. enjoy your stay. i think maybe the first FPS online i am guessing maybe metriod prime 3.have any more questions just ask.
mikenut91 said:
hey ... want to test out the wii messaging thing.. can someone send me a msg? friend code = 3364 4335 5323 9794... thankS! also.. does anyone know when the first FPS online game is coming out for the wii??

thanks, mike

its probably gonna be metroid, although there might be plenty of third party games coming out that are online. People arent really sure as of right now. Metroid should come near the end of Q1 or near the beginning of Q2
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haha ok surfer girl.. gear down big trucker :p i was just asking.. im going to stay and post...:ciappa: and yeah, metroid should be a cool one.. i have metroid prime 2 for the cube and i like it. its like a halo for nintendo its just the only thing i dont like about it is the small selection of guns... i like halo's lke theres the sniper rifle and pistol and a big range.. think metroid 3 will be anything like thaT?