strange things about yourself


Wicked Hot Lush Lips
Jan 24, 2007
runcorn, uk
Wii Online Code
just say 1 or 2 strange things about yourself

1) if i look at repeating images or optical illusions i pass out

2) i hear things i dont need to hear but i dont hear things i need to hear

3) i have the handwriting of a 5 year old
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1. I can see much better in the dark than in daylight. To the extent that its freaky clear.

2. I can sense when people are behind me without turning around or looking sideways.
1. I have really strange and ever changing hair, It used to spike, then it went curly, then really thick and wavy. Bizarre, i know.
2. I wear hearing-aids (its not that strange, is it?) Anway, people i know don't notice them anymore.
3. Nothing much else to add except I am strange overall...
1. I'm actually rather afraid of not being able to see the door when I'm in a room.

2. I usually think in Welsh?

3. Um.. by the end of the summer I look like a native American because of the sun, I actually went through a phase where I thought I was adopted because of my color.

4. When people say something to me or ask me a question almost all the time I look at them blankly for a few seconds before I can answer, but I think this is because of the welshness.