Wii Online!

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Player Hater
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code
Will(or does) the Wii have online gameplay like Xbox Live? Please let me know.
Thanks, Matt
thatstobadd56 said:
Will(or does) the Wii have online gameplay like Xbox Live? Please let me know.
Thanks, Matt

I will let you know we have an awesome feature called search here on the forums.

No one really knows the answer to your question yet, as online hasn't really started yet. We do know its using a code system meaning to play others you need their code (Wii console number) this is the most likely case, however from whats floating around the net, this still seems to be somewhat in the air. However to make it compatible with the Nintendo Wi-Fi service, and allowing Nintendo to save money, this is probably the most obvious route.
ocdan said:
I'd love to see updated patches to our game saves to enable online play/downloads to the pre-online gameplay games...

ditto, but i wouldn't have the slightest clue how they'd do that
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