ya some of my friends who arent really into video games saw the boxing part and want a wii now.

As far as the ps3 commercials go, at least the rubix cube commercial was semi ok compared to the doll one. Maybe I'd understand them if I smoked crack to.
vagrant said:
ya some of my friends who arent really into video games saw the boxing part and want a wii now.

As far as the ps3 commercials go, at least the rubix cube commercial was semi ok compared to the doll one. Maybe I'd understand them if I smoked crack to.

I read somewhere that Nintendo are advertising how it is possible to burn a lot of calories and lose weight by playing the Wii. They might be on to something there as we all know how obsessed women are with dieting. Also, I think out of all the games consoles Nintendo tends to appeal to women more than Sony/Microsoft. I think it's the cutesy factor, e.g. mario.