Your favorite in-game music

Yeah, Kinda gets annoying for game bosses, but if you listen on it through here, it sounds kewl!
Too me it sounds like sonic fighters a bit...

man i miss sonic games..the classics T_T
like CD and most of all lke sonic adventure 2

the music on those games was just awesome like..MARBLE GARDEN NOO wait!!! ICE CAP ZONE THEME!!!

Like I thought LOL...
Sonic 2 Super Sonic Theme
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I know this is old..but it be nice to have this old fun thread up and running again for lold'ssss and nostalgic purposes ;D

~Here are some of my new fav in game music!~

~Monster Hunter Portable 3RD-Nya! Cooking~ (psp)

~Animal Crossing-KK. Crusin'~ (Nintendo <3)
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Some of my favorites are the rhundas battle theme from Metroid Prime 3

And the Pirates Fortress theme from majora's mask
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these **** everyone above

shin megami tensei devil survivor 2 (DS) free battle theme

my favorite :
shin megami tensei devil survivor 2 (DS) against a powerfull enemy ( not a boss )

shin megami tensei devil survivor 2 (DS) rival battle theme

shin megami tensei devil survivor ( ds ) bel battlefield theme

he world ends with you (ds) normal music

ario sports mix ( wii ) bowser jr boulevard theme