14th and 15th Coverage?

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We have got it
Aug 10, 2006
Wii Online Code
Who is gonna cover it. Will it be live on T.V.? Or streaming from the internet? Yea i wish i could get it when its going because i have school.:rolleyes:
Nope... that's the australians! Why don't we just get our news from the european source? Im sure the information will be the same.
Why will the price be different. I mean sure the release date could be different but... that you could always just read online!
prices are always different, japanese ussualy get it cheapest, then america, then europe gets it the most expensive. and they dont follow the exchange rate really, like in US if its $250, it could be 300 E for you, sure thats a big difference but they do do it like that sometimes, its really weird

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