9 from Capcom


Wii Fanatic
Dec 31, 2006
Wii Online Code
Okay so Capcom claims to have 9 titles in development for Wii for 2009-2010. We know a few of them which are REmake, RE0, REDC, Monster Hunter 3,and Spyborgs. Thats 5 out of 9 which leaves 4 more to be revealed. What are you guys hoping ,and wishing for?

Heres mine:
Devil May Cry entry/port/remake
Maximo entry/port/remake
Lost Planet entry
a 3D Megaman ,or even a Wii entry into the reboot of Bionic Commando.
In before stickmode with a silly post
Maximo entry/port/remake

Capcom stopped making them (they where working on a third) due to there low sales
So I think no chance of that one
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In before stickmode with a silly post

Capcom stopped making them (they where working on a third) due to there low sales
So I think no chance of that one

Yeah ,but i can dream right lol. I miss that game on PS2, but im not rebuying a ps2 when i got plenty of games i gotta go thru yet on 360, Wii ,and even Gamecube.

I was hoping maybe they would try to bring it back like they did with Okami since Wii brings a whole new audience.
A Devil May Cry game would be very good. After playing games like MADWORLD and No More Heroes on Wii it is easy to see that a game like Devil May Cry can be done on the Wii and done well. So let's just wait and see what happens with it.
Don't forget they ported over Dead Rising. That could cut into the numbers.
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i believe this just games that are coming to Wii not ones that have already been released.

And, as far as Dead Rising i personally enjoyed it on Wii.

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