ADS Snap


Just some guy
Jan 23, 2013
Knoxville, TN
Wii Online Code
Ive been having problems with ADS snap lately. I'll try locking in on someone and, if they are strafing and move just out of the area that snap works on before it actually locks me on them, my sights get kicked about 20 or 30 degrees off my original line. So, I'm left wide open usually end up getting killed. This problem has gotten even worse when I'm using lightfoot. Has anyone else that's experienced this found a good way around it? At the moment, I've just stopped using lightfoot, but I would like to be using it in several loadouts as I mostly run-and-gun.
It's lag, it renders ads snap useless when it's really bad. If I'm lagging badly I also switch to a loadout without Lightfoot. So I'd say the two are both signs that you are suffering lag. If it makes you feel any better 90% of my games are laggy atm.... but my speedtests are all over the place so I'm guessing my line/connection is the problem :(
To offer some helpful advice...
1) Try boosting your ADS sensitivity and widen your dead zone - SLIGHTLY. I've found that helped a little.
2) Don't ADS and then pull the trigger as much. Begin hip-firing first and then ADS to "finish em off." You will get a noticably faster cursor reaction and a tigher "track" on your target.
3) Increasing the horizontal sensitivity will allow you to adjust with the wiimote faster to "catch up" to a target if your ADS lock is trailing. Be careful not to adjust more than you can reasonably control, however, as this will negatively affect your hip fire accuracy.

Goldie's right, though. Lag does have a great influence on the ADS follow-speed.
To be honest I would consider hip firing with laser pointer unless there super super far (like other side of the map). ADS also goes well if you add reflex or any sight to help with it as well. I could say mor ebut not gonna give ya all my kill ways xD.
If you're a CCP user and wonder why all the fancy footwork in the world still can't save your a** half the time when someone's firing at you from a distance, well it's likely you're being targeted by a wii-mote player.

After watching the playback of a wii-mote player's video I noticed how the ADS snap seemed to follow a player at distance as he (or she) was eliminated. As CCP users now the ADS targets once and not continuously - it doesn't track the opponent. Notice how opponents can dance right out of your ADS snap easily, yet when you try to do the same thing it seems to have no effect? Now you know.

Despite this revelation/observation, I am too far down the CCP path to try and switch to wii-mote. I've tried at least 4 times to no avail. Many have said wii-mote is superior and I believe it. Just can't change horses this late in the game. Still a hell of a lot of fun coming in second :)
What Mike said is certainly true. As a CCP user I've found that going head to head against wii-mote users at a distance is basically a losing endeavor. Since I picked up the Strata it's not as bad, but I still need to close to medium distance to have much of a chance against strong players using the wii-mote.

But to be honest, Bakura's problem sounds more like a lag issue. I've found that when I'm lagging (especially with host lag) ADS snap just doesn't work right, snapping to a spot that the opponent is no longer at.
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I use GCC and have also failed a few times trying to convert to the wiimote. I've also just come to accept that on the larger, more open maps that I am going to get run over by wiimote users. Honestly, I can't hip-fire well even from medium distance. So I'm at the mercy of the lagging ADS snap, which has actually gotten worse lately. Thinking about getting a hardwire adaptor to see if that helps.
Learn to use the wiimote and gain all that is powerful in the universe. It's all technique.
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Learn to use the wiimote and gain all that is powerful in the universe. It's all technique.

Like pdxmike said, it's just too late in the game to switch. I don't think that my wiimotes would live through me having to build my skill back up to where it's at. I'd be one of those players you see looking at the floor then the ceiling, stuck in a corner.
I'd be one of those players you see looking at the floor then the ceiling, stuck in a corner.

LOL! That is f'ing hilarious. I've made that observation before: "Oh there's another one of those wii-mote noobs. Poor bastard."
LOL Too funny. The most important tip I can give is to rest your wiimote hand on your leg when playing. This helps to eliminate a lot of the excess movements that cause inaccuracy. I used CCP when I first started playing this game, but now that I've gotten used to the wiimote, I wouldn't want to use another control method in another FPS going forward - there's just too much of an advantage when it comes to hip-fire and reaction times!
Oh, now I see. Put it on your leg. I've been wearing it like a strap-on this whole time. No wonder it was moving all over the place. Thanks.

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