Am i the only one that doesnt like


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Marios platform games 2d and 3d sorry but i find them a bit slow and dull cant play them for more then 10mins before getin board
You shouldn't be sorry. With mario platform games, after finishing it and collecting all the items and rewards, I usually just put it down and won't come back to it for a long time. I think this is mainly due to the feeling that you've finished it and it's boring to play again.
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Thing is i havent cleared one of them
Well yeah, i guess you are.

Mario Games are awesome, I dont understand how you dont like them, And you Never finish Mario 1, 2, 3, world, Yoshi island, because even after you finish them there is alway heaps of little secrets and hidden stuff to find
I didn't like the one on the N64 too much, but I loved it on the DS. Who knows why. Galaxies looks pretty sweet, though.
thi" only Mario games i like are: mario 64 DS and sunshine. smb are booooring... paper mario is wannbe, but the mario kart doubble dash, Rules like hevy heaven at "peppes pizza"
some of the side scrollers got kinda boring, but i havnt played those since i was a little kid but they were entertaining then. Some are definately better than others.
I thought New Super MB was addicting and a new addition that was good, Sunshine was a desperate attempt to look good, but i still bought it. And Galaxy looks Amazing. nuff said
nintendowiigaming.piczo said:
thi" only Mario games i like are: mario 64 DS and sunshine. smb are booooring... paper mario is wannbe, but the mario kart doubble dash, Rules like hevy heaven at "peppes pizza"

In my eyes Super Mario Brothers 3 was the best one ever.
Mario is a classic. How can you hate him? I personally love Mario games. The squishing of the Goombas, and the sound you make when you jump over bottomless pits and when you get a Super Mushroom, Fireflower, etc., are just priceless.:p
I hope I dont do it to New super Mario bros considering im getting it tommorow

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