Anyone try Just Dance 2015 demo at SDCC this year?


WiiChat Member
Dec 14, 2009
I'm glad they intend to put this on U. Waning support for the system is getting me down. I saw some videos from SDCC but was interested in any first hand impressions you may have had. If you got to try it anywhere else that counts too of course, please chime in!
i dont know who the target audience is.....
the party casual gamers wont spend 350 dollars on a wiiU

maybe if the wiiU was 200...they would.
the party casual gamers wont spend 350 dollars on a wiiU

They'l spend an even bigger sum on another console, so you can bet they assuredly would.

... Well, if the U wasn't flubbin', anyways. Eb 'n flow of what's "in" > price tag
They'l spend an even bigger sum on another console, so you can bet they assuredly would.

... Well, if the U wasn't flubbin', anyways. Eb 'n flow of what's "in" > price tag
i dont think they will...

they did with the ps2... but the ps3 sold half of what the ps2 sold and i think the ps4 will sell even worse than the ps3.

so casual gamers are going elsewhere....maybe phones?
"Hating mobile gaming"

Sure you have to dig around for some good titles but I have logged some hours into Brave fronter.

Flappy bird clones can smeg off

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