begineer questions


WiiChat Member
Feb 21, 2010
So just got my first wii and have some questions, had to order it online since every store in the area has been out of stock since jan. should be here this friday.

Whats the difference between the sensor bar that comes with it and the larger ones they sell, i was told i should by a larger one is this right?

I was told i also need a wii motion thing for each remote(bringing it up to like $80 for a full remote set) is this right?

I was also told i needed a sd memory card, but i thought the wii had internal memory?

Thanks for the help.
i didnt know there was a larger sensor bar... i never heard of that.

you do not need the wii motion plus accessory for your wiimote unless.. you want to play wii sports Resort, tiger woods pga 10, and like a few other games. you wshould be fine without that accessory.

as for SD cards... you only need them if you plan to download more than 10 wiiware or virtual console games.. if you just want a couple games then you dont need it.
This Wii works just fine out of the box without all those add-ons. I wouldn't recommend spending money on any accessories until you find a game you want to play that requires them. That being said, the only additional purchase I would suggest outright is a set of component cables if you have a high definition television. Have fun!
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I did pick up a set of component cables, the guy telling me i need this stuff was at gamestop, and i never trust a salesmen, but they were the only place locally that had Mario kart in stock, just wont be Nintendo without Mario kart. so i picked up the game a pair of wheels and the component cables while i was there.

as far as the sensor bar he showed me another brand one, said the one that came with the wii is junk and not big enough.

Thanks for the help guys.
I've hear good things about the BD&A sensor bar but unless you're playing 8+ feet away from the TV there's probably no reason to get it. That and it goes through batteries like crazy being that it's wireless.

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