Best buy sold out of ps3's

Perhaps best buy ordered a minimal shipment at first because of the lack of demand. That doesn't show anything. All that means is that their website is out of stock of the item or hasn't been updated to portray real world inventory at hand.

PS: What do you think about foreclosed homes?
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CrowTRobot said:
Does that include closing costs?


With closing costs your looking at $1000. PLus my processing fee :wink:

5.87% APR is the standard...correct?

I guess I dont know since im not a mortgage person. Nice try :tard:

PS: What do you think about foreclosed homes?

Thats what I bought.
How many posts are you going to make to try to make yourself feel better about buying a ps3?

I wouldnt doubt a online area being sold out, sony cant keep up with demand (which says alot since there isnt one).

funny how the wii console isnt even put on site due to demand, you fail again
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Actually I think the PS3's biggest problem is competition from the PS2. Lots of people I'm sure look at the PS3 and figure they don't need the blue-ray and the graphics aren't that much better (yet) on the launch games to justify the 400+ cost. That's kind of why Microsoft quickly stopped selling the original xBox to force people to buy a 360...Sony might have to do the same to make sure people move up to the new console to help get the big numbers they need instead of people seeing the PS2 selling well and figuring they should wait on a PS3.
848gamer said:
Actually I think the PS3's biggest problem is competition from the PS2. Lots of people I'm sure look at the PS3 and figure they don't need the blue-ray and the graphics aren't that much better (yet) on the launch games to justify the 400+ cost. That's kind of why Microsoft quickly stopped selling the original xBox to force people to buy a 360...Sony might have to do the same to make sure people move up to the new console to help get the big numbers they need instead of people seeing the PS2 selling well and figuring they should wait on a PS3.

And if Sony stopped productions on the Ps2, people would just jump for a Gamecube or a Nintendo DS.
Kamikaze said:
And if Sony stopped productions on the Ps2, people would just jump for a Gamecube or a Nintendo DS.

Uhm, no, people looking for a home system would not jump to a portable, plus those looking for a PS2 would likely not move a step down to a gamecube. It would however make the PS3 more appealing since that would be the only way to get a new system capable of playing Playstation games.
Wii&Ps3 said:

hmmmmmmmmm the signs of being gay
1. being in realistate
2. hanging round a nintendo forum pretending to like the wii and then revealing your self as a sony fanboy
3.trying to rub peoples faces in a product that is being beaten by nintendo in double the sale in japan sonys main seller
:yikes: your face
leave or be banned your choice
848gamer said:
Uhm, no, people looking for a home system would not jump to a portable, plus those looking for a PS2 would likely not move a step down to a gamecube. It would however make the PS3 more appealing since that would be the only way to get a new system capable of playing Playstation games.

You're obviously new to retail, and don't know the powers of something called verbal communication. Why wouldn't they take a step "down" (even though Gamecube graphics are smoother and loading times are faster) for a system that they can buy used for 60 bucks? It wouldn't make the Ps3 appealing, as it's only appealing to 80 percent of people and those people are trying to sell it on Ebay. The 5 percent are kids and adults who just want the Ps3 just because of all the "hype" that seems to be going around it. If Sony stops reproduction on their Ps2, Nintendo can put a couple of awesome games on the Player's Choice, which would make them 20 bucks. Here's a list of the games that will appeal to everyone:

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Eternal Darkness
Resident Evil series
Mario Kart Double Dash
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure
Soul Calibur II
Tales of Symphonia
Mario Party
Spyro: A New Beginning
Lego Starwars
Need for Speed
Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
Harvest Moon
1080 Snowboarding

And so much more. Seriously, the "hardcore gamer" that you perceive is only an 11 year old, and who would purchase a 600 dollar system for an 11 year old? Parents will see the Gamecube as affordable, plus has many games for all types of gamers. You may once again disagree, but for the price of a Ps3 game, you can pretty much be getting a Gamecube. And the Ps3 right now is like a new car, but the funny thing is, there's no parts or accessories out for it right now. So enjoy your brand new system...with only around 4 games to choose from that are exclusive to the Ps3.
848gamer said:
Actually I think the PS3's biggest problem is competition from the PS2. Lots of people I'm sure look at the PS3 and figure they don't need the blue-ray and the graphics aren't that much better (yet) on the launch games to justify the 400+ cost. That's kind of why Microsoft quickly stopped selling the original xBox to force people to buy a 360...Sony might have to do the same to make sure people move up to the new console to help get the big numbers they need instead of people seeing the PS2 selling well and figuring they should wait on a PS3.

What I personally have seen a lot of though is people selling their playstation 2's so they can buy nintendo wii's

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