Biggest Wii news yet - Reggie's notes for the conference on the 14th leaked


WiiChat Member
Aug 20, 2006





I don't think this is fake, I think it's real, plainly because that is exactly the way Reggie talks and would write, and I think it would be difficult to forge something like this.

My god, HMD. Oh, My, God. OH MY GOD!!!! Please, please let this be real!!!

Man, I'll read this, when I finish it (cause it is very long) I'll edit this reply.


Finally I read it compelte and I just can say its not a fake, why can someone do this complete hard work... and refering to all the things they said there...

October 2nd - Wii release date
$175 dollars - Wii final price
Disaster Day Of Crisis: UMD? well this title is extrange to me now

and a lot of more things I loved from reading the best article Ive read in all the 2006 (If its not a fake)
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i was just reading this, their fake everyone is saying in this huge chat room, wrinkles are identical in a lot of areas (if they are different they just get bigger in areas or smaller)
dude, can u show us that whole list again? I cant see the links....

I beg you, kuranimo, please.
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its fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I got a "Content Advisor" on my computer; it blocks everything. Please oh please, upload it back on! I saw the list, read half, then reloaded the page.....and it was gone! PLEASE, BUDDY. :(
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Sovieto said:
its fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just because those lines are in the same place proves nothing. If you think, maybe the papers where all on top of each other in a bag or something and all got crushed in the same place? It's possible!!!

Z Unit said:
I got a "Content Advisor" on my computer; it blocks everything. Please oh please, upload it back on! I saw the list, read half, then reloaded the page.....and it was gone! PLEASE, BUDDY. :(

Can't you just read them from the source?
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Kuranimo, can you put another post on here with the whole list on it, just like you did originally? Please?

The source is blocked too! Please, man, I'm begging you.
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  • #14
Z Unit said:
Kuranimo, can you put another post on here with the whole list on it, just like you did originally? Please?

I will PM it to you to save space :)

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