Black Wii Could Hit North America in May


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
According to wii.nintendolife

Sorry, yours won't be signed by Charles Martinet.

According to several "in the know"

It's been a long time since we first got our hands on a black Wii here at Nintendo Life's European office, but our dear North American cousins are still waiting for the chance to mucky these onyx beauties. According to a new rumour, the wait may soon be over.

Allegedly due to arrive in May 9th in the US and two weeks later over the border in Canada, it's set to mirror the black package available in Europe with a copy of Wii Sports Resort and MotionPlus included. How much will this blissful boxset cost you? Why, apparently only USD$199.99, if these rumours are to be believed. And hey, isn't that what rumours are all about?
As soon as the official Nintendo press releases plops into our inboxes we'll be sure to let you know the skinny. Until then, imagine your white Wii is a black one by playing with all the lights off tonight.

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  • #5
SWEET but I dont think many people will ge a new wii

If I could trade the original for this one then sure i would. But i would lose all my data.

I would do (I would ship my wii into Nintendo have them upgrade it for a cost or transfer all my date onto a Black wii and ship me that, only if that was possible)
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  • #7
i'm gonna phone up nintendo and ask em if they could do that for me someday.
Black attracts heat so no thanks. Unless you live under a rock black is no good especially with a lot of windows like in living room. So I'll stick with my white.
but some data [brawl] can't be copied.

i bet there's some nuts out there who would just open the casing and swap out the parts ...

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