Buying those classic games

Google Guru

Jan 7, 2007
Newfoundland, Canada
So here's my question. When I get a Wii, can I download games on my PC and pay for them there and then transfer them to my Wii (the old classic games that you can purchase from Nintendo) or do I need my Wii connected to my internet?

I ask this because I am on a dialup connection, and have no wifi / wireless. Can I use a SD card to transfer the games or anything?
No. They can only be purchased on the Wii Console. That is so people don't pirate games and transfer them to the Wii.
They aren't too big I don't think, maybe a few 100MB here and there, some may be smaller even. I haven't purchased any yet, but will be getting Super Mario Bros. VERY soon lol.
i have a ds wi fi connector just install it plug into comp and your wii should recognise the connection as soon as you have allowed you wii permission to connect to you internet connection (wirelessly) your good to go you can purchase the virtual games from your wii i plan to buy mario 64 soon :p
He like me, has a DIAL-UP connection. Therefore, you can't use any wireless things with it. Besides, even if he could work it, at a max speed of like 10 kb/s it would take 3 days for one game. I brought up the SD idea earlier.
Acually, the NES games are like 10 MB, you may want to call nintendo and ask what they think you should do.
Are they really that big for the Wii VC? I mean NES roms are at the most like 2MB IF THAT. SNES max of what 8MB for a ROM and n64 maybe 64MB for extreme titles that utilize that space.

I mean I'd think you could download a n64 game on average of maybe 1.5-3 hours depending on game size. NES games in 2-10min, SNES, Sega, TG16 in maybe 5-30 min once again depending on size. I highly doubt that they somehow made their less than 2mb nes games over 100mb though.

Should you get the WiFi Adapter to work [which i see no reason why it couldnt since it just piggybacks of your computers internet connection regardless of if its cable, dsl, 56k, isdn etc] you might be quite pleased with the download speeds. Unless there is proof otherwise and as long as you can get that 5kb/sec download speed it shouldnt take more than 15min for an nes game, 30min for an snes game and 2 hours for an n64 game.

I could be wrong but I've been using ROMs for years and have been building computers, downloading, yada yada yada for at least 10 years. I've had dial up, dsl, cable, and soon fiber optic. But the basic principles hold. I don't have one SNES rom over 4MB, and not one n64 rom over 32MB. I highly doubt they did something to inflate the sizes of their classics that much.
yeah, but I'm not sure if you can even go wireless with dial-up. Also, maybe it is just me and some of my friends with dial-up but on a large file, it times out. On Netzero. Really need some dsl at least. My bro has it but lives 50 miles away :(
im a rom emulator player...

NES:few kb 30-200
SNES: few mb 1-5
Sega/Dreamcast: few mb 2-10? not sure
N64: mbs, around 10mb to 24
wongasta said:
im a rom emulator player...

NES:few kb 30-200
SNES: few mb 1-5
Sega/Dreamcast: few mb 2-10? not sure
N64: mbs, around 10mb to 24

Yeah I was too lazy to go to my other PC and look so I overestimated them on purpose. The Dreamcast though...those games were on GDROMs they held either 1 or 1.2GB of data max so those would PROBABLY be huge although they were highly compressable. But with your sizes stated thats a few minutes at most with nes, 10 minutes with snes, and an hour possibly with n64. Not that bad...over estimated again as dial up speeds seem to range a lot.

To the previous poster: Maybe your line quality sucks, modem or connection per try. WHo knows but it is possible that netzero sucks :p

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