buying wii games online?


WiiChat Member
Mar 10, 2009
im new at this wii, but i was wondering if your able to buy games and have them downloaded to your wii? using wii points? i dont want those cheap games that u can buy for like 500 wii points. i wanna be able to buy the games and downloade them like Resident evil like that....anyone help???

You honestly think the Wii could handle that? And lets say hypothtically You could download RE4. Say bye to all your memory...

And they're not cheap games. You'd be surprised how good games were before you were born.
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  • #3
ok..but couldnt u put in an sd card and keep the game on the card.instead of having to put in the disk all the time..i dont want to have to goto my local dealer to buy a game..should be able to buy it online and download it..those wiiware games are cheap and boring.i want to be able to download COD:WAW or sumthing
As I said before, no you can't. The game is WAY to big to download on a Wii. Hell a PS3 or 360 couldn't handle it either.

It saddens me that people don't know this.
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  • #5
no need for the ignorance! im asking a question that i dont know.damn..i got a life and dont play video games all day like i wouldnt kno the i figured id come on here and ask someone..too bad i got stuck with a dousche like you to answer for me
ignorance means the lack of knowledge...

besides I wasn't being too mean
no need for the ignorance! im asking a question that i dont know.damn..i got a life and dont play video games all day like i wouldnt kno the i figured id come on here and ask someone..too bad i got stuck with a dousche like you to answer for me

Apparently your 'life' is lacking education in spelling, punctuation, and sentence-formation skills, so it's rather hypocritical of you to be calling anyone else ignorant. I'm sure, though, you'll come up with some weak excuses for that.

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  • #8
haha..this is a forum. who cares about punctuation, and sentence formation lol..are you kidding me.. you people are such douche bags and got nothing better to do with your lives..try goin out and getting some pussy! and ull change your views on this video life
:lol: Like I don't get any

This coming from the guy who wants to download games so he doesn't have to leave his house to buy games...
haha..this is a forum. who cares about punctuation, and sentence formation lol..are you kidding me.. you people are such douche bags and got nothing better to do with your lives..try goin out and getting some pussy! and ull change your views on this video life

So you're 12 years old? No, wait... let's see... maybe 13...
haha..this is a forum. who cares about punctuation, and sentence formation lol..are you kidding me.. you people are such douche bags and got nothing better to do with your lives..try goin out and getting some pussy! and ull change your views on this video life

Typical, little Jonny making excuses for his ignorance. Heck, the only pu**y you'll ever see will come from the animal shelter or your father's magazines...
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  • #14 people are funny..u crack me 25, married, make over 80k a year. while u lil kids play video games all day.

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