Call of duty Black Ops

I'm guessing it'll be a mixture of perks from older games with a few new ones as well, also do you reckon the wii version will have downloadable content for the game?

That's not going to happen but I think we get zombies I hope u can play that online

for that accurate knife perk it'll be commando=knife from farther distances and that's just lag it happens to me all the time
hey im not sure about if its coming out on wii ive seen advertisements for xbox 3-shitty and PS overated 3 but none for wii eek

if it does i hope theres no rifle grenades or they are really crap i hate getting 40 odd killstreak then some nube tuber hides and takes me out from afar it suks coz no skill or tactics are needed for them
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Ha i agree with you there there probably will be so yea but any way its coming to wii it was already announced and everything i saw it friday in gamestop you could preorder it for wii so its defintly coming to wii
I need some new players to pwn/pwn me, so I'm looking forward to this on the Wii. I'm confident it'l fail in comparison to other system versions, as always, but hey. Wi-fi makes up for it; I'd never buy a CoD game if it was offline only, game design or my lack of Xbox Live.

i honestly hope there is a better knfe accuracy perk cuz i always misswen it seems dead on....
that's just lag it happens to me all the time

Yep, cursed lag... Commando can fail sometimes even without lag too, actually. Just incredibly rare; I've missed a few kills, even though my knife was planted in the bastard; or should I say thin air, somehow...

lmao im gunna love this game, distructable environments

Destructible enviorments? Epic. More n00btubers? ... FUCK. But that does mean it's much easier to get campers out in the clear.

Its been confirmed that cammando is NOT going to be in black ops.

... There goes knife only class. =(
I need some new players to pwn/pwn me, so I'm looking forward to this on the Wii. I'm confident it'l fail in comparison to other system versions, as always, but hey. Wi-fi makes up for it; I'd never buy a CoD game if it was offline only, game design or my lack of Xbox Live.

i honestly hope there is a better knfe accuracy perk cuz i always misswen it seems dead on....
that's just lag it happens to me all the time

Yep, cursed lag... Commando can fail sometimes even without lag too, actually. Just incredibly rare; I've missed a few kills, even though my knife was planted in the bastard; or should I say thin air, somehow...

lmao im gunna love this game, distructable environments

Destructible enviorments? Epic. More n00btubers? ... FUCK. But that does mean it's much easier to get campers out in the clear.

Its been confirmed that cammando is NOT going to be in black ops.

... There goes knife only class. =(
I knife only in mwr and its not that hard so............
i used to but then i got bored anyway u have practice that way and its not easy shooting and then trying to knife cause then they kno your coming.