can wii play dvds?


WiiChat Member
Jul 9, 2006
i know the wii is the best like gaming system ever (ect.) but my main concern is that it might not be able to play dvds. so if anyone knows the answer please reply as soon as possible.
it will be able to, but you have to buy a little separate part for least that is what I've heard. I'm to lazy to find an article though.
im sorry, but i dont see why it needs to have one. ive got my own DVD player. why do you need another one?
It does but u have to a buy a serparate adapter for it.
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Dav_4550 said:
it will be able to, but you have to buy a little separate part for least that is what I've heard. I'm to lazy to find an article though.
ok thanks thats what ive heard too
who needs what will be a substanderd dvd player in there wii taking up space when you can buy a good un for £50
I heard somewhere that one of the surprises was that it will be able to play DVD and u dont have to buy the separate part... or at least i heard that
I heard somewhere that one of the surprises was that it will be able to play DVD and u dont have to buy the separate part... or at least i heard that

Mine won't play dvd's so I'm assuming you'll have to buy the extra part...

well, through Homebrew it can, using M Player. it will play DVD's, and media from a USB device. video quality is pretty good from what i heard. but isn't Nintendo releasing a video service of some sort?
Yes, yes it is... Terrible thread revival.

This was revived once before the apocolypse, yes? Had some epic lulz at the flame fest going on... hahah. I honestly don't get why someone would make this thread, though. If you want to play a DVD, pop it in and see if it works.
terrible tread revival, or Credence Clear Water Revival. That is the true question. yeah anyway was just answering the post above.

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