
I read somewhere (don't remember where) that the monster was of course from the ocean and the reason it went to New York because of the Slusho drink and it supposedly liked it. From what I read the monster was just a baby monster, not realizing where he was at and all that and supposedly Rob was moving to Japan to become the Vice President for the company Tagruato (one of the ARs for the movie). I don't really remember what else there was, but if you were a real huge fan of Cloverfield and checked out the ARs, this would all make sense in a way.


First there is one monster. period.
At the end of the film a piece of the japenese company TAGRUATO which made a satellite fell from the sky. this was part of the viral advertising. also in the viral advertising they said they went and searched for the piece...Tagruato is a oil ocmpany that works with slusho because oil is found deep under the ocean and the ingredient for slush is also found deep in the ocean. While under the ocean they woke the monster,
SLUSHO. slusho is partners with the company TAGRUATO, they also searched in deep in the ocean for ingredients for their drink. (this is also shown through viral advertising on the back of the CHIEF picture on 1-18-10 pic and the SLUSHO website made for viral advertising)
at the end of the film played backwards a voice says, its alive. period.
a sequel may happen because its still alive and this move was very cheap to make (25mil) and will make alot of money. YET it doesn't have to be made the backstory is there. if there WAS a sequel it will be from another camera(reeves has said this, "with modern technology everyone has a camera). so it will be from another angle most likely getting more of the backstory for the poeple who didnt read THIS thread. ALSO the company the rob was VP of was the slusho brand AMERICA , which was the japenese companys way to bring slusho to america (shown virally through Robs myspace)
*the satellite alone did not wake the monster. when they went and searched to FIND THE PIECE that fell THAT is how it was awakened.
*He(Russian man the HUG is stopped by in the tunnel is speaking czech and he asks for help in finding his daughter and his family. He proclaims he would not want to live without them. I served in Bosnia for three years. I speak that language like I do English. (reported by SOX)
* (from the slusho site might be how the monster came to be,
"And one fateful day, he and his teammates discovered a deep sea ingredient unique to anything else!!! While the team pondered miraculous ways to use it, Ganu had the best idea of all!! Because that night he had a dream - he was a tiny fish, and a whale came and told him to drink the new ingredient, Ganu grew from a small fish into an enormous whale!!!" (thank to Mc)
* a extremely accurate picture of the monster.
* cloverfield is named cloverfield because it was a joke name that stuck. it is where bad robots offices are. NOT because its a nickname for central park

and by the way the overture at the end, "roar" was horrible.(it was cheesy play on what original monster movies had.if this movie is so creative it could have come up with a NEW song, not a wanna be remake with hard brass and high sopranos
references. ( pics of spash from satellite ( )
go to the history page, "Ganu found the ingredient on the deepest ocean floor"
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From FilmJabber:

Cloverfield, easily the most anticipated film of early 2008, did not disappoint on Friday, January 18th, as it earned a whopping $16.7 million on Friday. Other Friday estimates have it at $18.25, and I have to figure the disparity between the figures relates to the Thursday-night midnight showings.

UPDATED: Here are the final box office weekend estimates for Cloverfield.

Either way, the Friday grosses put Cloverfield in a position to earn approximately $45-$52 million over the weekend, an astounding feat considering that January is usually a month reserved for expanding Oscar-worthy films and the dreck studios want to dump. I haven’t seen Cloverfield yet (UPDATED: read my Cloverfield movie review), but it’s actually receiving pretty decent reviews - decent enough for a monster movie, anyway. The handheld camera approach is getting a bit of criticism, but it sounds like the movie entertains nonetheless.

The $16-$18 million Friday gross for Cloverfield puts the J.J. Abrams movie in a nearly guaranteed position to set box office records for the most earned over a three-day weekend in January. On top of that, don’t forget that Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is on Monday, which means that the movie is also poised to break records for the MLK holiday weekend. I have trouble considering it a holiday weekend since I have to work on Monday, but that’s another story.

Nice. I figured the demographic, cost, etc., would make it highly profitable. Nice job JJ :D
For those of you who missed the
Splash at the very end of the movie, here it is!

Warning do not watch if you havent seen the movie ***SPOILER***

lol, I still don't see the splash for some reason, I see like a white object on the top right but nothing else. I even saw the movie twice in theaters and still didn't see it.
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Is "the splash" the one at the very far right edge? If so... meh, I saw it at the theater, but didn't think much of it - I thought it would be much more obvious...
yes, it is in the right hand corner of the screen. I didnt see it in the cinema either :(

Interesting little thing to include, Typical of jj Abrams to do!
U refering to the constant white circle thing on the ocean, doesn;t look like a monster just landed

what time frame did the rest of u guys supposedly see the monster.
Off the topic of easter eggs did this movie remind anyone of a much more badass "The Host"