Connection Ambassador Promotion, a new feature on the wii!


WiiChat Member
Jan 23, 2010
Hello Wii owners!

Nintendo just released a new feature that is caled the Connection Ambasador Promotion. You can read more about it here:

If you logg in to the wii shop channel you will see a icon where it says Connection Ambassador Promotion click it and then after that click: People who was helped. Then enter my wii code which is: 2542 6461 5414 0492
After that you will have to fill in some questions (you dont need to answer with the truth). Then send me a message (personal message here on wiichat) with your own wii code (you can find your code by clicking on the message icon in the bottom right of the wii menu, then click : create message and then select the icon in the middle, there you see you own wii code) , that way I also get 500 wii points for free. After you put in my code in the People who was helped icon and I put in your code you and I get 500 wii points the next time we log into the wii shop channel. Its important to send me your code aswell, only then can we get the points.

And I am not doing this because I want to help you guys, it is only because I get 500 wii points for free too. This i totally legal, not a scam (check the link i posted) its just nintendo doing something totally awesome
One more thing, I am not realy sure on this one but some people say you can only do this before you have used internet on the wii less than a month. And you have to got the european (PAL) version of the wii

Ignore the guy under me.

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Oh look its another one of these threads
hey i want to do this, i just hooked up my wii last week except i'm from Australia.. i;m not sure if i have the euro version wii.. but when i go to wii store there is the ambassador button + the promts.. so can we still exchange?

get back to me thanx :) i want 500 points!
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hey i want to do this, i just hooked up my wii last week except i'm from Australia.. i;m not sure if i have the euro version wii.. but when i go to wii store there is the ambassador button + the promts.. so can we still exchange?

get back to me thanx :) i want 500 points!
As long as you see that button (which you said you did) you can get 500 free wii points. Yes we can exchange. Just add me and then give me your number and we are done. :yesnod:
hey dude I entered your wii code and it says
we must be in the same country in order to take part in promotion :(
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Can anyone also please help me out? My Wii Number is: 5248-8782-3737-3511
  • On the Wii Shop Channel welcome page there is an icon called ‘Connection Ambassador Promotion’
  • Select the ‘Person Who Was Helped’ icon
  • You will be prompted to enter the Wii Number: 5248-8782-3737-3511
If you want any help or more details, see here:

Once you have added my Wii number, please tell me yours either via PM or my website.


Wii Connection Ambassador

I’m still happy to help people get their Wii online so you get 500 free points (enough for one retro NES game e.g. Pacman, Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Zelda and many more to choose from including cheap Wiiware games!) Even if you don’t need the help, you can still get the points by adding my Wii number which is

8204 5356 8089 6841

(Add after clicking Wii Shop Channel, then Connection Ambassador, then ‘Person Who Was Helped’) Then email me YOUR Wii number to, I’ll enter it on my Wii then we’ll both get the free points!

Please note, you have to have put your Wii online for the first time in the last 30 days - any later than that and it won’t work! Also, you MUST send me your Wii number so I can confirm it on my Wii...had a few people add me but not send me theirs, and that means neither of us get the points!
i'm happy to help anyone if they want points. my number is 5455 2003 7965 8124 make sure you send me ur number aswel otherwise it wont work

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