

WiiChat Member
May 12, 2006
Right now I have four controllers for my gamecube and only one is a real nitendo controller the rest are knock offs, but I like them better so I was wondering which do you guys like better Real controllers or Generic.
I like to play with Nintendo made controllers. I just think they feel and fit the system better. Although you could always use some kind of auto button press controller. They come in handy.
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i love my wavebird, and all my controllers except one are official nintendo, the one that isn't is a pelican light up one that looks cool but doesn't quite feel as good as the original. knock-offs are ok as long as they work and feel right
I would prefer to use Nintendo-made controllers... but there are also awesome functions on the ones made by others... like TURBO XD

But yeah, Nintendo ones seem to be more ergonomical.
Really I only play with the real ones because I only have 2 controlers and I prefer the feel of the Nintendo ones.
ebittner said:
Right now I have four controllers for my gamecube and only one is a real nitendo controller the rest are knock offs, but I like them better so I was wondering which do you guys like better Real controllers or Generic.

Generic for their price, name for their quality. I personally use my generic X-Box controller more than my Microsoft one.
ebittner said:
Right now I have four controllers for my gamecube and only one is a real nitendo controller the rest are knock offs, but I like them better so I was wondering which do you guys like better Real controllers or Generic.
Well it doesn't really matter to me, although I wouldn't want a huge controller to hold. I think that the origional GameCube controller was the right size and everything.