Distaster: Day of Crisis


Protector of Hyrule
May 15, 2006
Sacred Realm
Wii Online Code
Disaster: Day of Crisis

Disaster: Day of Crisis seems to be an adventure/survival game focused around a character named Ray, as he attempts to survive mother nature's wrath in a visually stunning environment. It is man vs. nature, as players will have to use iron wit and quick reactions to escape the wrath of a catastrophic natural disaster. While there wasn't much to see in the teaser clips, the shots looked reminiscent of "The Day After Tomorrow" which hit theatres last year. In fact, in the grand scheme of Nintendo titles, Disaster: Day of Crisis is by far one of the most realistic of the line-up; something that Nintendo will certainly need in this next generation of gaming.

What do you guys think of this intriguing Wii Title?
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