do i need any more games


I am the Time Alpaca
Sep 4, 2006
Wii Online Code
do i need any more games? i have wii sports red steel super monkey ball,madden 07,need for speed carbon,and wario wave tell me what games i should get or what should i get for future releases:zzz:
Pretty strange lineup of games you have there. Those are all the games I'm trying to avoid o_O'

Excite Truck, Zelda:TP, DBZ:BT..
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do you guys think rayman is a good choice and remember you can tell me future releases
Well I'm just gonna go no the record here and say I'm shocked you got Super Monkey Ball before Zelda. Twilight Princess is the best LoZ game ever created without a doubt. After that you need to save money for Prince of Persia: Rival Swords, Mario Party 8, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid 3, and Super Smash Brothers. Those are all must haves for me. Thats why I held myself to only 4 games this year (LoZ, Red Steel, Madden, and Trauma Center). I might get Elebits. Anyone know if thats really worth the hype? How long does it last and is there any replay value? It seems to have a good storyline though and I'm a sucker for good 1 player games.
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ok thanx thanx to you all i am going to get zelda well i havent been a zelda fan but i'll rent it
dja11101995 said:
do i need any more games? i have wii sports red steel super monkey ball,madden 07,need for speed carbon,and wario wave tell me what games i should get or what should i get for future releases:zzz:

Sounds like you've got enough. I suggest going to play outside a little bit more.
Just wait till about march, then you'll be picking up games like mad. And goin along with Wolf, maybe some fresh air will do you good.
dja11101995 said:
ok thanx thanx to you all i am going to get zelda well i havent been a zelda fan but i'll rent it

Yo, Ive always been a big player, since nintento, then snes, then ps1, xbox and ps2.

I never played any Zelda game before that one, even if i saw them all*. Always though zelda was a classic and pretty good serie but i never had time to do them.

I would definitely tell you to get it. I gotta say that i had to add a zelda in the BIG list of game ive done*. but i didnt want to spend a lot of time on that game, i didnt want to find everythign and all, its a waste of time when you only want to see the game and everything. I can tell the positive and the negative of the game without getting everything.


Rayman now... Its fun, very funny i gotta say, the mini-games are nice. Ive played it for a night with like 8 friends ( 1 controller ) and we had a lot of fun even if it was longer to complete the stage cuz we were 8. the 2nd night, Ive played about 4hours with a friend ( a big gamer also ) and the game was finished. Its sad, its way too easy and short. And im not the kind of player that will play it over and over again to get better score so i would tell you to rent it only.

DBZ is somekind of a must if you like fighting game and if your like me and like to beat every thing at master lol.

Well have fun.
and how is madden by the way
So other than Zelda there a couple you could get. Rayman is worth it if you have friends (not trying to be rude), but seriously if you have friends that don't mind acting like fools (mine don't and I don't either) then you have yourself a great game. Also if your into fighters give DBZ:BT2 a try, whether you like the show or not its a great fighter.

Now for all the upcoming games, to be honest I think Sonic is a solid choice, yes I know they've all sucked since the jump to 3-D, but the one coming for the Wii looks to break that cycle (yes I know that's what they all say), but this one really looks like it has some speed and tries to get back to Sonic's roots.

Other than that the big 3 for this year (hopefully) are of course Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and **Super Smash Bros. Brawl**, but you still have a little while on those, at least a few months if not half a year or more.

MasterJedi, well not really sure what to say about Elebits. I liked it, but ever since I beat it I haven't had too much of an urge to play back through. There is a ton of stuff to find, but it couldn't quite hold my interest long enough to get it all. I say rent-it, I think every Wii owner needs to experience Elebits, because it controls fantastically.

Nekya Madden 07......greatest Madden ever. That's not enough huh....well the controls are great, they really get you into the game. Reviews say that the kicking controls aren't as good as they could be for corner punts or really slicing the ball to make a crazy field goal, which yeah it's harder than with traditional controls, but you'll make your point afters, etc. just fine. Most of the guys in my dorm tried it when I was playing in our activity room and they all loved it. If your a Madden fan get it, you will not be sorry.

Wow long post....and this wasn't even my thread.....
you shouldnt have got Wario ware, ive got it aswell its really fun untill you get all the mini games and finish everything 9 wich doesnt take long.
Zelda for sure.
dont think you should have got monkey ball.
i like far cry more than redsteel even though the graphics arent as good.
havent played madden or NFS, but i didnt get nfs coz ime waiting for excite truck..
ime gonna get DBZ for sure
Wait till march for awesome games

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