Does anyone here read Naruto manga?

That link is not allowed
As the Naruto manga is licensed

I stopped reading it about issue 4

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Yeah its best not to link to any online manga sites or any vid sites other than Veoh, youtube, them games ones, mega video.............Ignore that one basically any site that takes off copy rigther things
i'm on the latest chapter. 442 i believe?

EDIT: just checked, yep its 442. but new chapters come out late thursday/early friday so soon i'll be on 443
i'm on the latest chapter. 442 i believe?

EDIT: just checked, yep its 442. but new chapters come out late thursday/early friday so soon i'll be on 443

Shad I didn't know you're a Narutard. I... I've lost all respect for you. :lol:
and a bleach fan. and a D.Gray Man fan. and a Shaman King fan.

but i'm actually not a Narutard. theres 2 kinds of Naruto fans: the fans and the tards.

the fans just like the show and/or the manga. its entertainment but not much else.

the tards think Naruto is the world. they're the cosplay and blogging idiots.

me, i think Naruto is great and all but i'd never go so far to be classified a Narutard
HEY!! I'm on the chapters as Shadow. Besides Narutards are prople that are obsesed with Naruto, Shadow and Myself are not(we read ahead just cause we were bored as hell.) Besides did the same for Bleach, One Piece, D.Gray Man, and Negima.(The Negima one is just me.) I guess you could call me a major fan of Negima, but i'm not obsesed with it.
Meh. To answer the OP, no I don't. I tried it like, 4 or 5 years ago, but didn't like it. I'd rather watch a good anime, like Dragonball or Samurai Champloo.

Come to think of it, I'm VERY picky when it comes to anime. So picky that some might say I don't like anime, which is sorta true considering I can count the anime I like on one hand... if you include Dragonball and Dragonball Z in the same series.

lets see, DragonBall (1st and Z but NOT GT), Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, 1st season of Bleach... you know, when it was ORIGINAL and not some DBZ knock-off, and Yu Yu Hakisho (The only DBZ rip-off I like). and Tenchi

Okay so one finger more than a hand

I use to be a lot less picky. I use to watch Inuyasha a lot, and I read One Piece (which is SO much better in manga form). As I got older I saw that I was watching these just because my friends liked them. I also realized a lot of these animes were just plain annoying me, like Full Metal Alchemist.
Well, I've bought 8 volumes, but I'm too poor for the rest.
but i'm actually not a Narutard. theres 2 kinds of Naruto fans: the fans and the tards.
3 kinds
Im one of the none mentioned
I dont know what happend in what episode I just watch it
Actually, I don't read manga and if i would
read one, it would definitely not be NARUTO.
if i were to read a manga, though it's hard for
me to accept it, i would definitely read SPECIAL A!! :D

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