EA Sports Active vs. Wii Fit vs Punch Out


WiiChat Member
May 20, 2009
I got it today together with Punch Out and i'm loving them both. I think they are both a big step for Wii's success this year. After having spent countless hours with Wii Fit i'm ready to compare it with EA Active and my first impressions are really good.

Normally i would have only bought Punch Out as i was satisfied with Wii Fit and didn't really believe EA Active to be a big deal but after reading the latest reviews ( and especially this one : http://www.consolehub.com/p116592-ea-sports-active-vs-wii-fit-.cfm ) i changed my mind.

So far i'm loving it!! It's so much better than Wii Fit in most ways. Well it doesn't have the classic cartoon approach but the exercises are more fun and more interesting. The new gadgets that come with the game are also pretty cool...what can i say this game was a huge positive surprise for me.

Comparing it with Punch Out, although it's unfair to compare these totally different games, i think it has much longevity but of course it's not as fun as PO. But both them are true gems. Finally a shiny surprise again for us Wii lovers :thumbsup:
I got the Ea Sports active, got it cus it waas cheaper than the wii fit, also took in 3 games on the list at gamestop, got it for free.
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Yes i forgot to write how cheaper it is compared to Wii Fit, even though it comes with two gadgets. Well of course if it doesn't have the wii board in the package so that's expected. But still you get more exercise and more fun with less money. I wish more companies start taking advantage of Wii's real strengths.
If you're comparing good exercise games, you should also check out Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. It's a workout game (the usual auto or manual selection of exercises, plus points for character accessories and total usage tracking for unlockable exercises/modes) that focuses on cardio boxing. There are a few other exercises like jumping rope, but the main workouts are boxing routines. There's a 2-wiimote control option, and all exercises switch between regular and southpaw stance for left/right balance. The main exercises are timed boxing combos (various punches and/or dodges) a la Guitar Hero. There is a wii balance board option for some modes too.

I find GGCW to be a lot more engaging than Wii Fit, which is still pretty good. Haven't tried EA Sports Active but I will probably pick it up soon. ANd the retail is only $30 for a great, sweaty workout on a disc.
Punch-Out is more of a puzzle game that is FUN.....its not about exercise
I got Punch Out and EA Sports Active over the weekend. The first workout on EA Sports Active was great. My biggest problem was with the leg band for the chuck. I could keep it from sliding off. This is probably more of an issue due to the type of shorts I was wearing. I think I'll like it more than Wii Fit. I almost threw away the handles to the resistance band. D'oh! I think I'll have to go get a strong band from the sporting store.

Punch Out single player seems more interactive than head-to-head. I felt like I couldn't dodge or block right in 2 player mode. Punch Out is definitely a calorie burner as well.
my problem is the leg band keeps on sliding off on EA's sports active.
I haven't played Punch Out yet. I played EA Sports Active last week at my cousin's and I liked it better than Wii Fit.

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