Everyone Must See This!!!!

Actually it's not a fake, for some odd reason there is a huge group of people who are really good at this. I used to work with a guy who could play Jingle Bells this way.

I guess it's just one of those things where you have to see it to believe it.
MetroidZ said:
prove it's fake... prove it's real...

It would be kinda hard to proove it's real without actually witnessing it. Even if he filmed both his hands and his mouth at the same time there is still no proof that there isn't someone in the background making the noise or even putting in the sound later in "production"
MetroidZ said:
prove it's fake... prove it's real...

I can't prove it's real, I can't prove it's fake. I can tell you it is possible, and I can assure you I've seen it with my own 2 eyes (or heard it with my own 2 ears).

I don't know the guy in the video, so I have no reason to lie and stick up for him, so I can only ask that you have a little faith in my word.

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