explain technical terms


Video Game Enthusiast
May 15, 2006
Nothern Illinois
1. what is the USB 2.0 used for?
2. what do they mean it has a CPU and a GPU?
3. how would you connect to the internet? using the USBs? if so what do you plug into them?
I spose the USB ports would be used for expansions such as harddrives and the like.
CPU stands for Centeral Processing Unit and is bretty much the "brain" of any computer or, i spose, console. The GPU stands for the Graphics Processing Unit, and is resposible for, well, the graphics.
And the Wii is suposed to connect to the internet via a Wi-Fi connection.
yami_riku said:
I spose the USB ports would be used for expansions such as harddrives and the like.
CPU stands for Centeral Processing Unit and is bretty much the "brain" of any computer or, i spose, console. The GPU stands for the Graphics Processing Unit, and is resposible for, well, the graphics.
And the Wii is suposed to connect to the internet via a Wi-Fi connection.

Riviet said:
I think the USB is used to connect the Wii to the internet.

The USB can be used for multiple purpose. It can connect to the internet for those people without wireless internet connection.
Nothing is confirmed for the USB ports, but it will likely be for storage.
The Wii will connect through WiFi, just like the DS (I can say for sure that the USB ports on the console will *not* be used for internet, if you don't have a WiFi router, there is a USB key that plugs into your computer, not the console)

CPU-Central processing unit, processes all the data that goes through the computer/console (kind of like the brain, as stated earlier)
GPU-Graphical processing unit, responsible for controlling graphics

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