Funny thing about this preorder


WiiChat Member
Oct 13, 2006
Well I just got back from eb and I was #5 in line for the Wii. When I left there were 38 people there and I live in a somewhat rural area(Pop.57,000). The funny thing is that I am also really anticipating the PS3 and I was #3 in line for it, but there were only 10 people there. Almost 4x as many people showed up for the Wii preorder. I know the Wii preorder information was released earlier than the PS3, but still. Pretty cool if you ask me.
that IS actually quite funny. i just got back from gamestop. i was the first one there but i just waited in my car and i was #7 to get one. they were almost out of preorders, they were saying they were giving out 10 but that was just a low number just to be safe, by like 10:30 AM. The store opened at 10 AM. I overheard one of the employees talking and he said, "It's funny because I was here for the PS3 preorders. I sold the last one at like 5 PM or 6 PM." Then someone else made the comment, "Yeah, that's because people are hearing how bad it is." I found it quite humerous and laughed out loud a little.
As soon as the gamestop guy arrived, he was like "Woa! This line is 10 times longer than the PS3 one was!"
xRashx said:
Well I just got back from eb and I was #5 in line for the Wii. When I left there were 38 people there and I live in a somewhat rural area(Pop.57,000).
57,000 is somewhat rural. WOW i live in a town of 6,000 and that is being generous. I thought that was rural.
dosn't surprise me...the PS3 isn't doing so good thease time around...its so going down and i don't think it can get back up
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thoughtcrimnal84 said:
57,000 is somewhat rural. WOW i live in a town of 6,000 and that is being generous. I thought that was rural.

Well I come from a city of over 100,000 so it seems more rural to me, but you are right it is not very rural. Also I forgot to mention, after I got my ps3 preorder me and a friend went over to gamestop to see how many people were there. We walked in and went straight to the counter and asked the guy if his preorders were filled up. He said he just filled the #10 spot and there was NO ONE there. The EB manager called gamestop for us on Friday and there were almost 50 people there for the Wii. The Wii might be a console killer.

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