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Snakes on a Wii!
May 8, 2007
I beat Wario in one day. Should any game that you can beat in a day be $50!!!???

Seriously. I look at games like Monkey Ball, soooo simple to develop for developers.

Those are two examples that in my opinion should cost $30. I have never, ever, ever beaten a game in one day except RS Vegas on 360 because I was uber hooked to the screen.

I love Wii, and totally happy with it, Wario was a fantastic game, but sheeesh, SUPER short!

Paper Mario, Zelda, etc... now those games deserve their price tag!

Well, Wario is really a party game.

If you bought it for one player...
Well.. Then you'll be a bit dissapointed.

But gather about 11 friends, and you'll have a rockin' good time.

That is, if they don't mind looking silly.
Same with Wiiplay.

I saw a review of Wiiplay that was REALLY bad. The person gave low marks for everything. He mentioned multiplayer at the end and didnt explore it. I was angry because the game comes with a second contoller so its OBVIOUSLY a multiplayer game!

I bet that by November we will have plenty of real games to play.
i agree with you that some of these games should be 40 or even 30, but you know msrp will always be $50 to start.
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Trulen said:
Well, Wario is really a party game.

If you bought it for one player...
Well.. Then you'll be a bit dissapointed.

But gather about 11 friends, and you'll have a rockin' good time.

That is, if they don't mind looking silly.

Multiplayer is not unlocked until you beat the single player game. Only 4 multiplayer modes. I played by myself as well as with 4 other people (5 total) I dont think the game was made for multiplayer anymore than it was made for single player. Again, I never said it was a bad game or that I did not have fun playing it. Simply saying that it does not feel that it is worth $50 since it is extremely short. One day you can have it 100% beaten. =|

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