Game (uk) preorder


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
There is none yet
there waiting to see how many they get
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In store
checked two
Sam_Harris said:
um yes very informative this is pointless
You dont live in the uk so this dosnt include you
Darkprinny said:
You dont live in the uk so this dosnt include you
A bit hostile there. Not only is this mostly orientated towards people in the UK, it's also orientated to people who deal soley with GAME.

I was a bit worried when I heard US was getting "The bulk" of the units...

I'm probably going to pre-order from GAME, but it's understandable that they see how many units THEY get before taking on pre-orders. Otherwise, they could lose custom with those that pre-ordered, but there wasn't enough for.
Darkprinny said:
You dont live in the uk so this dosnt include you
due this is a world wide forum i was posting because you started a thread about that there isnt any where to pre order so get over yourself so instead of complaning about it and dont start stupid threads
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Was that for me

The info was intendid for people in the uk

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