Gamecube and the Wii


WiiChat Member
Mar 26, 2009
My son told me you can put Gamecube games in the Wii. I need to know if this is recomended and what, if anything you need to play the games, i.e. special controller, etc.
This is all covered in the Wii manual. The Wii is completely compatible with GameCube games. However, you will need a GameCube controller (and a GameCube memory card if you want to save your game).
I suggest importing Official White Gamecube controllers by Nintendo. they have 10'(rather than 6') controller cables. Also try to find the memory card 1052 it's an official white memory-card that has tons of save slots. You can get all this stuff on ebay.
I personally have the wireless controller for the gamecube sooo much better than trying to be wired, cost me about 20 bucks. And a game cube memory card will also cost about 20 bucks. I would definitely recommend it if and only if there are more than a couple game cube games you want to play.