gamecube controllers to play wii games


WiiChat Member
Mar 17, 2007
i was under the impression that gamecube games could not be played with the classic controller but you could use the gamecube controllers to play wii games (not only vc but in fact some wii games)

it is rumoured that dbz, metal slug, need for speed and possibly smash brothers (when it comes out) can use gamecube controllers

if their was a list of what wii titles can and can not use the gamecube controller that would b cool too

i tried to play zelda and rampage (gamecube controller not made by nintendo) and neither of them work

im afraid it might only b a rumour

if any1 has dbz, metal slug or need for speed and a gamecube controller could they confirm or deny these rumours once and for all
DBZ uses them, Slug does and that crappy Billy and Mandy game that nooone bought. Brawl will most likely use all three and there would be no point in using a GC controller for the Wii version of TP because there is also a GC version available.
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Omnislashser316 said:
2 questions
1) Which Zelda are you talking about, twilight princess?
2) If you are talking about Twilight Princess, Did you get the Wii edition, or the Gamecube edition

i meant the twilight princess for the wii

i heard you can use the gamecube controller to play the twilight princess but it didnt work for me

elmo_999 said:
DBZ uses them, Slug does and that crappy Billy and Mandy game that nooone bought. Brawl will most likely use all three and there would be no point in using a GC controller for the Wii version of TP because there is also a GC version available.

i would beg to differ.... the more options i have the better

if i could play with out the wiimote it would b nice to know that i could

twilight its still the best game out so it dont matter

so the list of confirmed titles that can use gamecube controller on the wii is:
metal slug
billy and mandy
illmasaki said:
i meant the twilight princess for the wii

i heard you can use the gamecube controller to play the twilight princess but it didnt work for me

i would beg to differ.... the more options i have the better

if i could play with out the wiimote it would b nice to know that i could

twilight its still the best game out so it dont matter

so the list of confirmed titles that can use gamecube controller on the wii is:
metal slug
billy and mandy

I don't think you can use the gamecube controller for the wii version of twilight princess, just because of the fact that if you could, then there wouldnt be a purpose for the gamecube version twilight princess.
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well how many zelda twilight princess sales will the gamecube lose if the wii played the gamecube version?

the few that will buy two would prolly buy the gamecube version first cuz they dont have a wii anyways.

its not a big deal that the wii version of twilight cant use gamecube controllers but that would b a cool extra feature

besides it was news to me when i read wii games can be played with gamecube controllers
illmasaki said:
well how many zelda twilight princess sales will the gamecube lose if the wii played the gamecube version?

the few that will buy two would prolly buy the gamecube version first cuz they dont have a wii anyways.

its not a big deal that the wii version of twilight cant use gamecube controllers but that would b a cool extra feature

besides it was news to me when i read wii games can be played with gamecube controllers

I'm not sure myself, I can see where your coming from, and its a good way to think.. ever think about doing marketing?

Ah I think its pretty awesome you can even play gamecube on a wii, its like 2 systems in one. lol.. well the ps2/1/3 play that way, but the thing i like most is that you play on different controllers, almost completely altering how you would play the game, and defeating the misconception the you hafta stand all the time to play wii, you get the best of both worlds.
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Omnislashser316 said:
I'm not sure myself, I can see where your coming from, and its a good way to think.. ever think about doing marketing?

Ah I think its pretty awesome you can even play gamecube on a wii, its like 2 systems in one. lol.. well the ps2/1/3 play that way, but the thing i like most is that you play on different controllers, almost completely altering how you would play the game, and defeating the misconception the you hafta stand all the time to play wii, you get the best of both worlds.

haha thx i am taking a few marketing classes this semester now that u mention it

i read in another thread that mortal kombat can use the gamecube controller

so the list of confirmed titles that can use gamecube controller on the wii is:
metal slug:
billy and mandy
mortal kombat
and prolly ssbb (when it comes out)
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Brian88 said:
and sonic?

can i use the GC controller with sonic and the secret rings?
i dont have it so i cant say for sure but if there is there an icon of the classic controller and wiimote on the back it probably can

i went to the video game store and saw that some games have a classic controller and the wiimote on the back of the box

so if they have both icons it can probably use the gamecube controller as well

i did notice that the billy and mandy didnt have the classic controller on the back so i might have to scratch that off the list

but u know whats better then the gamecube controller?

the ps2 controller

but at any rate the new list is:
metal slug:
mortal kombat
ssbb (probably when it comes out)
billy and mandy (unsure because it doesnt have the classic controller icon on the back of the game)
On youtube there is a review with the Wiimote being held sideways with the motion sensing being used for a special purpose. Not sure exactly what for. Sonic looks really awesome by the way. I've yet to get into any games with those controls but it seems really neat and comfortable. Sonic seems restricted to the Wiimote.
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WiiBad said:
On youtube there is a review with the Wiimote being held sideways with the motion sensing being used for a special purpose. Not sure exactly what for. Sonic looks really awesome by the way. I've yet to get into any games with those controls but it seems really neat and comfortable. Sonic seems restricted to the Wiimote.

all the games listed thus far are all wiimote compatible
so u didnt rule anything out

the new list is:
metal slug (no classic controller icon but gamepro says its gc controller compatible and doenst play with classic controller)
dbz (has classic controller icon on the back of the game)
mortal kombat (probably when it comes out)
ssbb (probably when it comes out)
billy and mandy (it doesnt have the classic controller icon but rumoured to work)

p.s. if any1 is reading this and has games that have a classic controller icon on the back of any of their games please reply
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