Gamecube games on Wii???


Jul 14, 2006
Nintendo's next gen console the Wii is said to be backward compatiable with Gamecube games.


Are Gamecube games played on the Wii gonna improve on loading time?

Are the graphics gonna be enhanced with Wii's new hardware?

Does the Gamecube controller and memory card have to be used with Gamecube games?

I've sean somewhere the Classic SNES like controller for the Wii. The Wii also used SD memory for storage, I'm thinking for Virtual Comsole games, music maybe movies ala DivX, XviD and MPeg4 if we're lucky and for saving Wii's games progress.

I'll be cool if the Wii would be able to play Gamecube games using the new Wii Classic SNES like controller and use the SD memory to save Gamecube games progress.

Any answers/opinions welcome!
Nemix said:
Are Gamecube games played on the Wii gonna improve on loading time?

No, it will be exactly like a GC, with the same graphics and all the stuff...

Nemix said:
Are the graphics gonna be enhanced with Wii's new hardware?

Again no it will be just exactly like a Gamecube, all the graphics = etc etc...

Nemix said:
Does the Gamecube controller and memory card have to be used with Gamecube games?

The wii has 4 ports and 2 MC slots for those games, or either u can use the VC controller that will be exactly the same
Yeah, what Arcadium said. (Wow, I never thought I would say those four words in that order. jk, Arc):D

Wii has a Gamcube emmulator (which emulates, or immitates the Gamecube's hardware) to play Gamecube games, so since the Gamcube was never given a new graphics card or extra memory, the gameplay and graphics will be identical on Wii.

The designers can't just make up a new and improved emulated version of the Gamcube because the games were made for it's exact, original hardware specs.
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Arcadium, by saying VC controller do you mean this?:


So I take it that Gamecube games need a Gamecube memory card...

Thanks for the info guys!:)

dwaltin said:
Yeah pretty much just like the PS2 did w/ PS1 games and like the 360 does w/ xbox games

Sorry to say dwaltin but I have a PS2 with PS1 games and I have to say some not all games have improved loading time, support the dual shock controller (newer ones) and the graphics have been shapened up a little...:rolleyes:
I would expect that Gamecube games will be able to use any of the storage options avalaible. They just offer the memory card ports so you can use your old stuff with the Wii :)
Here's how I see it the wii, has all the perks of the wii, with all the perks of the gamecube, it has 4 controller ports just for the GC as well as the memory card slots for the GC, the graphics will stay the same but I don't care playing them on the wii is exiciting enough

yep it might just be like gc of not depends (now would be a great time to move to japan and get your WIIIIIIIIIIII heeeeeeeeee hehehehehe)

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