Gba Is Dead

I loved those gameboys... savour the memories people! Never will you be able to play unique games like super mario land 1 & 2, Pokemon Red & Blue, Link's Awakening, and a couple others. No games on the PSP can rival the immense history of Nintendo games!

I just got my DS yesterday and have now officially moved on from the GC and GBA. I'm selling the GC and GBA and all games to a bunch of kids who live nearby... They have more fun on the Gameboy systems than on the PSPs XD... Serves you right Kutaragi for trying to copy Miyamoto!

Nothing will ever match a Gameboy! Long live the Gameboy!
linkzeldagame said:
I loved those gameboys... savour the memories people! Never will you be able to play unique games like super mario land 1 & 2, Pokemon Red & Blue, Link's Awakening, and a couple others. No games on the PSP can rival the immense history of Nintendo games!

I just got my DS yesterday and have now officially moved on from the GC and GBA. I'm selling the GC and GBA and all games to a bunch of kids who live nearby... They have more fun on the Gameboy systems than on the PSPs XD... Serves you right Kutaragi for trying to copy Miyamoto!

Nothing will ever match a Gameboy! Long live the Gameboy!
If you want to play the unique games from the Game Boy you can download an emulator and then download all the games you want.

Why are you selling the Game Boy games the DS has backward compability so you can play your Game Boy games in the Ds.

Also you are right about the PSP, it is a piece of crapp. The Ds is much better, it has great games and I love to play with the stylus. Another thing is that the Ds has Wi-Fi connection so you can play with people far away and The Ds has sold a lot more than the units than the PSP.
I've played most of the good games that came out on GB and GBC and i still play some of them on the computer. Pokemon blue anyone?

The DS cannot play GB / GBA but can play GBA games... Besides I can play it better on the computer and it also has speed mode, which is better than playing it on GB.

FYI I have a DS lite and I enjoy playing games that use the stylus pad like Brain training.
really OMG i am so sad :( well the wii will rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nintendo lover said:
Yes that is true but for gamers the Game Boy will always be remembered because it is great and it made a big step for Nintendo. :yesnod: :yesnod:

komio said:
i bought le micro for my gba games cuz im anal about the cartridge sticking out on my ds lite haha i like the micro :p

Oh yeah, I heard about the GBA Micro but I didn't know if it was any sort of a hit like the Wii. I didn't hear much about it and none of my friends got it. How much was it at release and when was its release date? Is the only different thing about it that it's small and it looks cool?
they should put the gb games n stuff on VC since you cant play them on wii n stuff
I feel sorry for the people who have no DS and have to play the 2nd-rate games they try to make for the GBA, such as tetris world and DOGZ.:sick:
Are you kidding? I would never get the GBM. It's just a game boy only you lose on a smaller screen.:wtf: :shocked: :frown2: