GDC 2007: "The Wii is a Piece of Sh*t!"( article inside)

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the guy below- HES BACK!!
Oct 15, 2006
Wii Online Code

hes just jelous:prrr:

March 7, 2007 - During a session at GDC this morning titled 'Burning Mad - Game Publishers Rant,' time was taken about half way through to allow developers a chance to spew their own rants. One speaker, Chris Hecker, currently working on Spore at Maxis, took the opportunity to call out Nintendo for not taken games seriously.

"The Wii is a piece of ****!" Hecker began his talk, which was called "Fear of a Wii Planet." He blasted a few bars of Public Enemy to set the tone. Hecker said the Wii is nothing more than two GameCubes stuck together with duct tape, and that the console isn't powerful enough to provide the next-gen experience he has been waiting for.

Although he stated the system is "severely underpowered," Hecker noted that he wasn't simply referring to the Wii's graphical capabilities. He wants to spend a console's CPU making games more intelligent, and he has found the Wii doesn't have the power to process things like complicated AI.

Hecker also took Nintendo to task for not taking games seriously enough. "It's not clear to me that Nintendo gives a **** about games as an art form," he said. To illustrate his point, he searched for references to games as art on all three console manufacturers web sites. While he found numerous such references on both the official PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 sites, had none at all. He then shared quotes from executives at Sony and Microsoft talking about games as a serious artistic medium, and then a quote from a Nintendo executive saying the company only wanted to make "fun" games.

Hecker ended his spirited rant with two demands for Nintendo: First, recognize and push games as serious art. And two, "make a console that doesn't suck ass."
While he does seem very sincere in his viewpoint, I'm not sure his views represent the game developer community as a whole. There is at least a strong minority of gamer developers that are quite excited about the Wii.

As a point of inductive example, every Tuesday I go and shoot pool with a bunch of developers I went to College with. Of the ten of us, I'm the only one not in the gaming industry. Guess which console they won't stop talking about? The Wii.

Now, these guys work for Blizzard, EA, Take 2, and a couple of smaller companies and their focus is usually PC gaming. With that caveat, I don't think Hecker speaks for them... at all.
he just doesnt understand what a game is. A game is more than bloody illustrated on a tv. Nintendo only wants to make games "fun?" what does he think a game is supposed to do depress you??? Games were made for fun.

He has no idea what he is talkin about

You need more than graphics for a next gen console. The wii has motion sense detecting which is an aspect of next gen. Why do a lot of xbox 360 people and ps3 people only think about graphics as next gen??
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the console isn't powerful enough to provide the next-gen experience he has been waiting for
I thought Nintendo already stated before Wii's launch that Wii wasn't next-gen, but "new-gen".

He has been waiting for? What about all the people that have currenty have, and love there Wii?

What about the Wii being the fastest selling new console on the market? Does that mean it's ****? Oh, of course...
This was pretty distasteful, to specifically bash the Wii with a few vulgar words. Really, he sounded like a little kid having a temper tantrum because things aren't his way.

I want to see him make an "artistic" game on the Wii. I want him to put his money where his mouth is. I don't want just lip service.
Comes off sounding very elitist and snooty to me.. like you know, a stuck up artist..?
I can see his point what people continue to forget is that Nintendo made this console to be cheap. Why he is being so pissy about it is beyond me. If as a game developer you don't like it, DON'T RELEASE GAMES FOR IT. Then again, that would mean he couldn't cash in on nintendo sales and would be limited to PS3 and Xbox sales.

for shame lol
Shadeballs said:
Art is in the eye of the beholder, and Wii is a masterpiece.

What is wrong with making games that are "fun".

What a jackass.
you just countered your own statement

i too recall hearing discussion about wii not being able to handle complicated AI, that sucks
for you wii owners
Sovieto said:
you just countered your own statement

i too recall hearing discussion about wii not being able to handle complicated AI, that sucks
for you wii owners
How did I counter my own statement?
i hope that he gets stuck making a game for the wii.

karma would come back and bite him in the ass.

although i bet his game would suck balls and he would be fired from his job.

karma would come back and bite him harder in the ass.
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