GET Tekken on Wii Petition


WiiChat Member
Jun 22, 2009
Hi guys. I'm new here and wondered if anybody knew this:
In this article, Tekken Director Harada stated that the Wii can get Tekken if the fans demand it. Here's the actual article:

"Tekken 6 director Katsuhiro Harada was quizzed on whether Tekken 5 or 6 would make it to the Wii - his response - depends on the fans.

Speaking to GamePro, Harada suggested that Wii owners demand for an exclusive or ported Tekken game, especially due to the lack of fighting games on the motion controlled box. He seems fairly open to bringing the franchise to Nintendo, especially given the inclusion of Xbox 360 was fan-driven.

That would be very interesting. Like the Xbox 360 owners, if Wii owners are passionate and make it known they really want the series on their system, we would love to be able to answer that request.

Hearing about the huge number of Xbox 360 owners who are Tekken fans, especially in North America, definitely played a huge part in influencing us to bring the game to that system.

As for the Wii, the standard controller lacks the right number of buttons and the placement is awkward, so... I suppose the classic controller could handle it!

Here's a link to an Official Petition trying to get Tekken on the Wii.

go to the link, sign the petition and tell everybody you know about it. We want Tekken on the Wii and we can get it done. Thanks for your support.
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No thanks.
Petition's for game's rarely work
yeah, my friend I totally support you!!

I've sended this link with my friends to support the game too!!

Definely Tekken 6 and Soul Caliber 4 for Wii as the PSP got these games, why not Namco if is the Wii has more horsepower under the hook!!

Come on and bring it!!
yeah, my friend I totally support you!!

I've sended this link with my friends to support the game too!!

Definely Tekken 6 and Soul Caliber 4 for Wii as the PSP got these games, why not Namco if is the Wii has more horsepower under the hook!!

Come on and bring it!!

The Wii has neaver horse power or a hook.
Unless its some kind of mod
yeah, my friend i totally support you!!

I've sended this link with my friends to support the game too!!

Definely tekken 6 and soul caliber 4 for wii as the psp got these games, why not namco if is the wii has more horsepower under the hook!!

Come on and bring it!!
fuck off!
Why don't people provide a letter address. Online petitions are a waste of time. At least snail mail demonstrates that you are willing to support by buying $.49 stamp, a piece of paper, and pen. Or if you flood their inbox or something.

Besides, Virtua Fighter is a better game. And the Wii is already getting some nice fighters as it is. Samurai Shodown, Super Smash Bros Brawl, King of Fighters Anthology, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.
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game companies always, infuriatingly, and oh so stubbornly refuse the pleas of the fans. sure, they'll occasionally incorporate certain features into a game/sequel they've already got planned, but they will almost NEVER EVER make/port an actual game solely because the fans want it. Whenever they say "depends on the fans" it really translates to "we don't want to right now...we'll let you know if we ever change our minds".

look at how well received Mega Man 9 was. When asked if they'd do a Mega Man 10 in the same fashion, they said "depends on the fans". Everyone was like "HELL YEAH, GIVE US ANOTHER ONE!" and they haven't even so much as lifted a finger. it was nothing but empty rhetoric.

Then there's the infamous case of Mother/Earthbound. Nintendo has been getting TONS and TONS and TONS and TONS and TONS of letters and petitions from fans to release the series outside of Japan ( and again, as is always the case, Nintendo is like "meh....we don't care if you want it. We don't want to do it."

I have no faith in petitions, unless they're solicited by the game company themselves or something.
Besides, Virtua Fighter is a better game.

Well I wouldn't say the first one is.
And the Wii is already getting some nice fighters as it is. Samurai Shodown, Super Smash Bros Brawl, King of Fighters Anthology, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.
Dosnt that make more sense if it's in the past tense?
Dosnt that make more sense if it's in the past tense?

Probably. Tatsunoko vs Capcom coming to the states which is nice. I just like the light hearted vs series. Although SNK vs Capcom would probably be nicer. Maybe they should make a Guilty Gear vs Samurai Shodown? A new Dark Stalkers game would be awesome.

Screw Tekken, why the hell is everyone getting excited about this piece of garbage?
Guilty Gear vs Samurai Shodown? A new Dark Stalkers game would be awesome.
Id prefer a Last blade vs. Samurai showdown.

OR A LAST BLADE 3!!!!!!!!
MMMMmmmmmmmm HD Akari
The new engine that Namco made for Tekken 5 shouls definitely work for the Wii. They could port Tekken 6 that way minus a few thousand polygons. And besides, Tekken 5 could run in 525p on the PS2 and it still looks good even now so Wii could push it further.

I would definitely like to see Tekken on the Wii but with limited motion control. So far motion control in VS fighting games have not yielded good results on the Wii and I would rather Tekken's debut on the Wii be not ruined by tacked on waggle.

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