Google translation of the official specs


A li'l bit different
May 17, 2006
Cornwall, UK
Wii Online Code

Not sure what [ CPU PowerPC CPU(Broadway) 90nm SOI CMOSプロセス<共同設計> IBM ■ GPU システムLSI(Hollywood) 90nm DRAM混載CMOSプロセス
<共同設計> ATI]means. Also, quite like the idea of having USB ports, if it'll allow me to hook up an extrenal hard drive to the Wii! Just thought I'd post, to see if anyone knows whether the 90nm is good or bad.
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wow"! u can hooka hardrive into it! fantastic! i have a 300gigabyte external hardrive :p with the most music bought off i tunes on it as you could imagine,woooooooooooh!
I just thought, what about if you could plug in a digital camera into the USB? You'd easily be able to get photos onto your game then, without the need to send them off to be formatted neither! God Bless USB! Lol.
Just thought I'd post, to see if anyone knows whether the 90nm is good or bad.

don't know the whole story, but the 90nm is referring to the circuit board construction, its being used in some of the latest graphics tech and such the connections/paths are smaller and thus more pipelines are available for rendering
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phimuajedi69 said:
don't know the whole story, but the 90nm is referring to the circuit board construction, its being used in some of the latest graphics tech and such the connections/paths are smaller and thus more pipelines are available for rendering
Well, that certainly sounds good. Perhaps this is also the reason why the Wii is cool running. Hopefully it would mean that it would last longer than the PS3 (I've heard many horror stories about the breakdowns of PSX's and PS2's!) Although Nintendo still does good hardware (even my old NES still runs!)
Squall7 said:
Well, that certainly sounds good. Perhaps this is also the reason why the Wii is cool running. Hopefully it would mean that it would last longer than the PS3 (I've heard many horror stories about the breakdowns of PSX's and PS2's!) Although Nintendo still does good hardware (even my old NES still runs!)
i have never had a nintendo console die on me, where as my ps2 needs ressusitating after an hour of online play. One time when i was 10 (im 14 nearly 15 now) i took my GB pocket to school (glad i didnt take my colour), then after 5 min of playing got hit in the head extremely hard with a football, after i got up my GB was half way across the playgrond and some retard kicked saying "i thought it was a football" (retard). when i go to inspect the damage... there is non, the case is scratched quite abit on the edges, but the console worked fine, and the game was still running LOL! SO this proves nintendo consoles r built to last. also i have seen a vid where some german peeps decide to test the strenght of ps2 xbox and GC, the three consoles are thrown pretty hard at the floor, stood on, hit with a hamer and bassically mollested. Only the GC survived, it played games, the inards were still hanging out, IT STILL WORKED. amazing. anyways Nintendo = good hardware.

p.s. the ps2 died instantly, lol :lol:
Sony is a Electronics manufacturer most of the Home electronics are designed to last 1,5-2,5 years and then forcing customer to replace them. More items bought more money to pockets. Maybe this has carried over to console side aswell.
well the numbers refer to the circuit size,and CMOS is (complementary metal oxide semiconductor.) Broadway' is the IBM CPU (multi core) the smaller the number of nanometers the better.
(note that elemental hardware is not my thing, but...) I believe the 90 nm is a refrence to the physical size of the CPU core, and doesn't relate to the power at all. Nintendo (I believe), has officially announced USB ports for the Wii, but I have never seen any official details on capabilities. Although, I did find it kind of surprising that Nintendo put any kind of a universal connector on one of their consoles, normally they go to any length to make it as hard to mod their systems as possible (the biggest length being making their systems so good that nobody wants or need to mod them)

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