Got VirtuaTennis 2009 Today!


WiiChat Member
Apr 12, 2009
I called my local GameStop this morning, to see if they had GrandSlam Tennis and the WiiMotion Plus controls in yet (since today is the release date). They said no, they were due tomorrow. BUT, oddly enough, they had VirtuaTennis 2009 already, which isn't supposed to be out until TOMORROW.

I was going to wait until tomorrow and pick all of it up, but my patience failed and I went over at lunchtime and got VT09.

I've only been playing with it for about 40 min, but here are my initial impressions... first, as you may figure, it's NOTHING like WiiSports Tennis. And since I don't have a WiiMotion Plus yet, I'm limited to semi-accurate racket motions.

Anyway... I had to spend about 20 minutes using the coach. WiiSports Tennis is VERY forgiving. Swing the racket anywhere near the ball and you'll hit it. Serves are a complete no-brainer, but as you know, you never fault when serving.

Timing is much more important in VT09. I haven't quite gotten the hang of the little horizontal bar that appears when the ball comes near you. It has to do with how far away the ball is for you, so you can time your shots, like for cross-court or down-the-line.

For serving... you toss the ball by flicking the remote upward. Then that horizontal bar appears again. Based on when you swing again depends on where in the serving box the ball drops. It took a long time to get any serves in, and I have yet to figuring out HOW to place them. Maybe later tonight when I'm done with work. :)

I played one quick three-game "match" and of course got my butt kicked. I think I won all of two points. Mostly because I don't have the timing down on the shots yet.

Graphically, it's very good. It's very smooth, the courts look great, the players look very good, etc, etc. They're not photo-realistic, but I don't think that's possible on the Wii's modest CPU. I can't wait to rent the PS3 version, though, to compare the graphics. But I'm leary of how well the PS3 controls will work.

So tonight after work, I will play around more, and look forward to tomorrow when I can pick up the WiiMotion Plus controls and also Grand Slam Tennis. At least today I'm getting some quality time in with VT so I can better compare it to GST.

To prevent me from playing it for at least a few hours, I have the disc in my LG drive with Rawdump running. Now maybe I can get some work done. :)

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I have two Wii's -- one at home and one here in the RV that I live in for work, and I don't see a reason to have two purchased copies of the game.

Sounds interesting, I've been waiting for a tennis game that beats Wii Sports in terms of control and depth.

Looking forward to see how you think VT2009 and GST compare and how much difference motion plus makes on each game.
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Wow, if it's really that bad maybe I oughta pass. :)

In another half hour when my dump is done, I'll play with VT09 some more and see if it's as "impossible" as the review says GST is and decide from there.

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Cool!!! I was hoping IGN would have a review up soon (and they came through). I buy all my games based on their reviews, and they've never let me down.

Excellent, I'll get GST.

I've been plaing with VT09 for the last hour and I really like it. It's frustrating me because I can't kick it's butt right out of the box like I did with WiiSports Tennis, but that's a good thing. I'm sitting here all sweaty because I keep getting beat by the practice guy.

Timing is definitely a key with VT, at least without the WMP. I can nail regular and high-speed shots just fine, anywhere I want. But the slow ones, like drop shots and slow shots, I keep missing them. I'll figure it out eventually. I'm going to the "Tennis Academy" now to see if that'll help.

Thanks a LOT for posting that review link!!!

Can someone sell on this, i'm can't pick from GST or VT09, if you guys have any of these games please I want your impressions of the game, the fun factor, can you create your own player, can you play online, blah blah, blah, sell me people i can't pick. i don't really go for reviews cus i like the 007 game for wii and i read alot of reviewers gave it a bad review but i enjoyed 007. help me decide?
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Gays? I'm guessing that's a typo? :)

Once I get GST tomorrow and play it a bit, I can give you a side-by-side comparison.

VT09 is pretty cool. It's really frustrating too because I'm still missing stupid shots I should be able to nail. I'm thinking the WMP will help that a lot (I hope).

I have managed to FINALLY win my first tournament, and I'm currently about to start the Semis of my second tournament.

sorry that "gays" was a typo.
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I might buy GST tomarrow and wait off for VT09 for another day. I'll buy tiger woods GPA '09 cus I want to bundled with motionplus and really never tried a golf game besides that wiisports golf.
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I'm tempted to get the Tiger Woods one too (and would also get the bundle)... I need a total of four WMP's -- two for home, two for the RV, so that'd be a way to do it.

FWIW, it appears my first Rawdump failed. Or the burn failed, I dunno which. I'm gonna re-dump it tonight so the computer is totally unoccupied and less-likely to glitch. That failing, my USB Gecko will be here on Wednesday, so I can try it with that.


From what I saw in that review it seemed like their problem was that the game was just too difficult for them. So either the controls are very hard or they simply have a lack of skill. By IGN's review it seems like it is probably the latter as they didn't seem to have as much trouble.

Now I'm really interested to see how Virtua Tennis is rated.
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Me too! I keep checking the IGN site (even the PS3 side since VT will be out for it too), but so far nothing. Hopefully in another day or two.

Meanwhile... 3:30 pm today, I'm outta here and over to GameStop to pick up GST and WMP. :)


PS: Re-dumped VT, burned it at 2x, and that worked.

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