Harvest Moon Heroes Revealed!


Only took 4 years to get1
May 20, 2006
London, England Rank: i-wii-sistable
Wii Online Code
Harvest Moon Heroes Wii Revealed

The Famitsu magazine Just like presents this week to us the first images of Harvest Moon Heroes on Nintendo Wii. with its practice, this new episode of the series will propose to us to manage our exploitation by using the controller of Nintendo Wii to carry out the principal tasks.


To sprinkle our plants, it will be enough to incline the controller at the desired place once the watering-can in hand. Well of other tasks should be realizable thanks to the lever, in particular fishing and the assumption of responsibility of our animals.


The history of Harvest Moon Heroes Wii begins as for it on a small island which, following a great dryness, will see the death of its tree and the departure of its goddess. A small group of named creatures Koropokuru will then make its appearance by requiring a last favour of us, that to cultivate the ground in order to make revive the tree now drained.

Dunno about you, but I cant wait for this game :D

Source: http://www.nwiizone.com/nintendo-wii/nwii/harvest-moon-heroes-wii-revealed/
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Big fan of Harvest Moon here! This will be awesome. It'll be fun to actually use all the gardening tools in real time.
OMFG!!!! WOOOOO!!! this would be way better than that ds version!! i wonder how you are supposed to cook in this game o_O are you really gonna be able to crack eggs and flip a pancake around!?!?!?!? ^-^ OMFG!!! itll be pretty cook tossing your baby up and down! playing with your dog would be pretty cool too! im soo happy that they finnaly matched up their bodies with their heads ^^
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Like harvest moon games. Good fun to play when your bored and need something to do for an hour or so.

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