Help! Which games offer the best 4+ player simultaneous play fun?!


WiiChat Member
Nov 27, 2006
I'm a little disappointed the Wii was being advertised as such a social gaming platform, but simultaneous multiplayer games seem to be really lacking. Am I just not finding them?

I'm going to bring my Wii when I visit family for the holidays, and I'd for us to all have fun playing together :)

So far, the only games I've seen that really fall into this category are Wii Sports:Tennis, Super Monkey Ball:BB, and Bomberman '93 (Rayman has very few simultaneous games from what I understand)(Marvel Ultimate Alliance has poor gameplay from what I understand).

So, are there any good 4 player simultaneous play games that I'm missing?

...oh how I wish Wii Mario Party was here... :(
Once you go through Rayman's story mode and unlock all the games, you can play pretty much all of them on 4-player multi on Score Mode--and they are hella fun.
for monkey ball do most of the games need the nunchuk...i got 4 contollers but only 2 im waiting as long as possible!(why get em if yo dont need them!) ill get them in jan..sold out like everywhere!
monkey ball will probably be the best for now..although a lot of people may say it isn't good, or it's the same thing as the older ones, but this game, if u get the hang of using the wiimote actually yields some excitement

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